Hold on Lindley teachers. You’re in the home stretch and there’s only two months of suffering left. Just think……for the last 8 months you’ve had Big Nasty’s crusty pig hoof on your neck and there was nothing that you could do about it. She had all the power and you had none. Or did she? If you haven’t figured it out by now, the only power that she has had over you is the power that you gave her. She’s much like Freddy. Meaning that she thrives on your fear. Fear of not having a job, money, or not being able to provide for your families. Since the day this blog began, it has been read but ignored by the powers that be in CCSD. They can easily deny its existence and the illegal and unethical behaviors that Pig Vomit commits because you won’t stand up and for yourselves. Remember. They can fight or hold one or two people at bay, but they can’t ignore an entire or majority of the staff when they file complaints as a group. If you want the foot off your neck, you have to take action. No one is going to do it for you.
Is Mace coming again?????
ReplyDeleteMy heart really aches for the teachers at Lindley. As I read the comments from the previous post, I continually thanked God that I no longer work there. Pharaoh, Simon Legree, Ervin--all the same. I have plenty of documentation on things that happened to me while I was there, but God will handle her better than the system. I was "riffed" and that was truly a blessing. I am at a new school, and "I'm loving it". I went from being an excellent teacher (in other disricts and Cobb county schools) to an "awful" teacher with many deficiences in just one year at Lindley. Now, I'm back to being an "excellent" teacher (on both formal evaluations)--respected and appreciated by administrators, teachers, parents, and students. God is Good!!!The thing that really bothers me the most is the people who stand by and do wrong in Ervin's name when they clearly know that it's wrong--just remember when "they" come for her, "they" will be coming for you all too. To the faculty and staff still there, emancipation/the parting of the Red Sea is near. Godspeed.
ReplyDeleteCan someone please tell me why we were called into a meeting at 4:30 to hear about House Bill 87? Why were our classes disrupted so "Hispanic" students could create t shirts? I will answer...it is all about $$$. Now that they have created their t-shirts they will pay $5.00 to wear them Friday...It is always about money at LMS....What a shame!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat purpose does the Candy Cart serve? Notice how it wasn't present the morning of the CRCT. I guess the only days the students really need to focus is on test days. The majority of the behavior problems happening at Lindley are caused by the candy Ervin pushes on the students each day. Why is she setting the students up for failure?
ReplyDeleteThe "School Store" candy cart did go around after testing...Classes were interrupted for students to buy candy... Lindley needs the money from the candy sales to take students to the Cheesecake Factory....lol.... How much money was raised for Relay for Life?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the best way to get rid of Ervin is to get documentation on how she spends money at the school. The County isn't going to care about what she does to teachers as long as "she" is getting results for them in the way of testing. Either prove that she is misappropriating funds or get parents to complain. Otherwise, her tyranny will continue. I second the above post. I'm at a new school now and tremendously happy! Mrs. Ervin tried to steal my joy and love of teaching...but it didn't work. Trust me, if she doesn't repent and turn from her evil ways..she will get her's in the end!
ReplyDeleteErvin is a trip. Why does she think she should tap people to become leaders when she is not a true leader? A true leader allows others to shine and gives people credit for their work. I am not one to want bad things to happen to others, but this lady is evil. The threats she stated on the loud speaker Friday were not necessary. My heart goes out to the students that do not have money. How can a Title One School ask students to pay out of pocket for stupid things each week. I keep waiting for someone to do something about this. Will it ever happen?
ReplyDeleteI love what the last poster said. She is also completely twisting the survey results to her benefit. I cannot personally comment truth to this, but I bet the people who responded that we do not get staff development opportunities were referring to the fact that the same teachers (um, I mean coaches, or whatever she calls them to justify their salaries) are picked everytime for these conferences. She uses lame excuses such as attendence to justify her decisions, but perhaps if others felt appreciated/like they too belong then maybe they would not need "personal" days. My heart goes out to these teachers and the students everyday. Do you like how money magically appears?! So why couldn't those students who couldn't afford to pay be given the opportunity? Would that lack of maybe $100 really hurt so bad? I wonder how 7th graders would feel knowing that much of the money they spend goes to 8th grade activities? How you say...things that make you go hmmmm?!
ReplyDeleteWell I agree with all the post and I heard that one of the connections teachers begged for her not to sell candy during the crct. It only happened because she had to be out of the building and the other administrator does not care about the candy cart and wanted the kids on the bus and at home. I don’t understand how she keeps planning trips and then begs the kids for money to pay for them. Did you know she received a check to interrupt the testing and have kids miss lunch just to take them to the taping of the talent show at the fox? Everything she does is all about money and we collect thousands from these kids but yet we never have any? (scratching my head) I don’t understand!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it the only teachers that have made it to leadership academy are Cordell and Wilson? Not even “her” teachers of the year are worthy. I guess its true, if you didn’t come with her then she won’t play God and “tap” you!
Speaking of the teacher of the year….who will her chosen one be? Hope it doesn’t get ripped away from the “true” winner like it did last year. You better pay attention to timelines and not have the teacher of the year at the county for the teacher of the year meeting before the run off is completed and all teachers get to vote this time. Sorry TOY nothing personal against you just saw how screwed up it was and how you had to be taken out the back door to the county before voting was over, we know it was not your fault but how does it feel now to be stabbed in the back by the Erv? She you are not the one to kiss butt and run behind her like she thought you were going to do. Next time asks some of us who have been dogged out by her before you accept any awards from her.
Why is it mandatory for teachers to give up their planning period to stuff envelopes for the awards ceremony? Why is there a new "mandatory" meeting/event that teachers must attend every week? Why do we even have a contract that outlines our duty hours if she can just add any extra duty she wants? Why does'nt the Area Supt respond to our complaints?
ReplyDeletePlease tell me who the "true" teacher of the year is. You better not say a particular Social Studies "educator." Sorry, you can't engage in elicit acts in the building with another teacher and expect to EVER become Teacher of the Year. It just doesn't happen that way.
ReplyDeleteSo when does working hard equal sucking up? There are plenty of teachers both in the building and gone that work/worked hard and are/were called butt kissers. When is it appropriate that "educators" have to stab each other in the back out of sheer jealousy? I bet you call yourselves Christians too, huh? Some folks actually care about kids and that is why they get the blessing that they receive from ABOVE, not the front office.
Please, thrill us all with the answers to all of these questions, including who the "true" winner is...
I will wait.
Elicit Acts? Isn't that how Shull became TOTY? Answer that question...
ReplyDeleteStill waiting.
Hello guys...let's maintain our focus! This blog is not to belittle anyone. Make sure that what you state or imply on this blog is true. Trust me it is just a matter of time before things begin to unravel at LMS.....I have already put in my transfer request and I hope Erv trys to block it.
ReplyDeleteChristians? Blessings? Do you use these words lightly? Why are you even on this site looking for answers? "ABOVE" was watching when you posted your comment. Watch how your blessings flow now. If you want God to answer that prayer you have been praying for...YOU need to change your ways and your walk. Perhaps that particular Social Studies "educator" should ask for your forgiveness. LOL... Let he without "SIN" cast the first stone. They both are "GREAT" teachers and this site is not about them. Get a life!
ReplyDeleteWow! Wonder whose friend you are?! Or at least today you are. The are soooo many "fair weather" friends at Lindley it's not worth the time or the hassle! Just do what you need to do for the kids and go home. Stop worrying about the TOTY or the future TOTY. That popularity contest will be won and over with soon enough. I agree with the last poster though about getting a life. We all should get one that is far, far away from Lindley!
ReplyDeleteI agree with portions of all that has been said. This site isn't about the teachers, but it always seems to become about the teachers. You all do so much attacking of others that you have clearly lost the focus. Maintain the focus! I have no particular teacher's best interests at heart, but at the same time, don't tell that woman that she was stabbed in the back and wasn't the "true" winner. When I stated "elicit acts" I was not talking about Shull. Learn to interpret a little better... The last poster was correct. Let's dead this argument and focus on the kids.
ReplyDeletePoster thats funny! YOU go back and interpret a little better. Shull is the only woman we see engaging in "elicit acts". She stays in the ISS room engaging in relations with her boo Davidson. But again we don't want to bash anyone... especially the ones that we really care about. You can't say in one breath stay focus and in another breath -throw one out there on the sly. Are you friend or foe? You are a hypocrite! No "teacher's best interests at heart." Yeah Right! Lets see..."that woman" "not talking about Shull" hmmmmmmmmm. Friend or Foe? I do agree that we should stay focus but there was some attacking going on in your last post. Now will can kill this argument.
ReplyDeleteDo we need to speak to Ervin prior to filling out a transfer form? I want out of Lindley, but I have been told she will stop it from happening. How does this process work?
ReplyDeleteWhat did this social studies teacher do that makes her unworthy of TOTY? She appears to be a hard working, caring, considerate, and dedicated educator. If the selection process is fixed and teachers know this, TOTY means nothing. Why is it that everything that takes place at Lindley is corrupt and influenced by Ervin. She has no business being a part of this process. The previous TOTY should be monitoring this process. I am so tired of Ervin picking favorites and teachers not being recognized for the job they do. The staff at Lindley has no moral because of Ervin, and because of her the school can't keep teachers for any length of time. When are things going to change? I am so sick of this. Has the county ever examined the turnover rate?
ReplyDeleteIt happened late one afternoon, when David rose from his couch and was walking about on the roof of the king's house, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; the woman was very beautiful. David sent someone to inquire about the woman. It was reported "This is Bathsheba daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite. So David sent messengers to get her, and she came to him, and he lay with her.
ReplyDeleteRead 2 Samuel 11:2-4.
Now thats a good one! LMBO. The SS educator is cool with me. I hope she does win TOTY. She deserves it!
ReplyDeleteLOL... I'm voting for Queen Bathsheba!
ReplyDeleteSounds like some of you are forced by Ervin to get out of your beds, get dressed, and drive to your jobs daily. If you don't like it there just QUIT. No one can stop YOU from doing that but YOU! Please focus your time on our kids!!!! Some of you are the cancer of the morale! (Not moral)
ReplyDeleteWHY? WHY? WHY?
ReplyDeleteWhy are teachers at Lindley going to be punished for being HONEST on the county survey?
Why did the "School Store on Wheels" actually have school supplies today? What happened to all of the "GOOD" candy today?
Why is LMS being audited? (Thank God)!
Why were we told that there would be no transfers allowed yet we get an email from HR saying the exact opposite?
Why does'nt the CCSD do something about the harsh unfair treatment that teachers receive from "Super Woman"?
Stop crying wolf. COBB has heard the cry so much that it is not being taken seriously. Why are you still there? Leave. Nothing is going to change. Leave. People are miserable everywhere not just at Lindley.
ReplyDeleteLindley is being audited just as all of the other schools in Cobb are being audited. It is not being audited because Ervin is in trouble. Trust me. Ervin has the office staff and bookkeeper trained on how to falsify records. Believe me they are getting rewarded for doing Ervin's dirty work.
ReplyDeleteErvin is two-faced, low-down dirty and phony. She will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. She is not to be trusted. She uses bribery to get people to comply with her request.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, I am leaving! Can someone tell me what happened at Westlake High a few years ago???
ReplyDeleteIf you want to transfer, you can. She may try to stop and tell you that you are not loyal. She tried to block my transfer, but it did not work. Leaving Lindley was the best decision I could have ever made. It is great to work for an adminstration that is supportive. You are all in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteHow is that working for you? "The best decision" you ever made...and you still don't have a life??? Or else you wouldn't be on this blog still connected to Lindley..
ReplyDeleteI too left Lindley. Yet I still visit this site to encourage those that are still there. Just because we have moved on doesn't mean we don't still care for the students and teachers left behind. I miss my students dearly! Teachers, there is HOPE! There are jobs available. God will make a way. Don't be discouraged.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who chose to bicker amoungst yourselves, it will only creat more drama at the workplace. Stand strong together, support one another, love each other..for yourselves, and so the students can see your kindness and emulate your behavior.
I love the students at Lindley. I have not left because of them. I am waiting for the day all of this mistreatment stops.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to be waiting a long time.... Moses isn't coming for you. You all have to make your own way and do it yourselves.
ReplyDeleteWhy is she calling people to the office and acting as if she doesn't know that they want out? In order to build a supportive staff, a two way street is needed. Ervin is out for Ervin and Ervin only. The teachers are no more than pawns in her game.