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Friday, October 29, 2010


I’m not a racist by far. But it seems that white people just can’t cut it over there at Lindley. Just yesterday, a Caucasian male packed his sh*t and was out door before homeroom. DAMN!! Ervin is sending white folks back to Europe!! LOL!! Hey, I’m jus saying……..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

SAW 6.5

Just imagine if the Lindley “Evil-Doers” of the past and present suddenly woke up and found themselves in a Jigsaw trap. Who would they be? What would be the sacrifice that they would have to make to get out of the trap? A Saw expert told me that the person in the trap panics and always gives into their fatal flaw which eventually leads to them being killed. What do you think would be the flaw that leads to the death of each character in your scenario?
***Disclaimer: This post is for recreational and creative purposes only. Feel free to be creative as you want on paper only. Do not attempt to construct a physical Jigsaw trap for anyone because you may find yourself in legal peril if you do.

Monday, October 11, 2010


First of all I’d like to say that the first paragraph demonstrates the level of mental illness that Mrs. Ervin experiences each day. She’s at STAGE FOUR STUPIDITY. It is also a demonstration of how she tries to brainwash those around her. Everyone that was at Lindley before she came knew that the school was doing just fine before her first hog hoof hit the main entrance. We made AYP that year Mrs. Ervin. That means that we were first, you know, like Sprint EVO 4G. And let me set the record straight….MR. MCCRARY was the first Lindley principal to make AYP!! So stop lying to people by telling them that you had something to do with it. All your fat ass did in the summer was hire new cleaning crews to clean the building. That’s it. As for the question she asks about her vision leaving…… I’ll answer for everyone. HELL YEA!! When yo fat ass leaves the building for good everything you brought with you will be gone. Get the Fuck Out!! And take your ass-kissin cronies with you. Oh , I forgot. You really don’t give a damn about them. Sorry cronies. You’ll be on your own so you know that you’re gonna get a good old-fashioned ass-kickin’ from the staff when your Supreme Oppressor isn’t there to protect you.
As for the new teachers at Lindley this year, I know you can’t believe what you’ve gotten yourself into by accepting the job. You feel like you’re not going to make it. You’re tired on Ervin calling you into the office and saying “You ain’t shit! Your mamma ain’t shit! And your daddy ain’t shit!”. Don’t worry about it and don’t take it personal. She’s a lunatic. She takes pleasure in making you suffer. Bottom line is that she’s certifiable.
For those that don’t work at Lindley but still follow this blog, I have some questions for you. Why is it that Lindley teachers are burnt out this early in the school year? Why is Mrs. Ervin being allowed to abuse and slave drive the staff when the CCSD is aware of the things that she does? And can someone tell me why Mrs. Ervin drives a white woman away from the school each year within 90 days? LOL! That’s a crazy statistic.