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Saturday, February 27, 2010

News Flash!!!

On Thursday, February 25, a parent came to the school because his child was misbehaving. Allegedly, this parent did not follow the proper channels and skipped the office check-in and went straight to the classroom where he proceeded to apply leather to his child’s posterior in front of the other students. Allegedly the teacher didn’t report the incident to Fat Nasty or any other administrator. Allegedly, Fat Nasty was only made aware of the situation “today” because some kids went home and told their parents, who proceeded to call the school. Allegedly, Fat Nasty proceeded to call the area superintendent, dfacs, and the police about the incident. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t. Who knows?!? She lies like breathing. You can’t believe a damn thing that comes out of her mouth. The woman is a habitual liar. Anyway….These events bring us to the EMERGENCY MEETING that took place today (Friday). Basically, we were not supposed to give this information to the public. Ooops!! LOL!!! Whatever Skank!!! We’re gonna tell it!! Ollie fans wrap your head around this….. she’s threatening the staff that they will lose their jobs if they discuss the incident with co-workers, peers, friends, family and the press. What a joke. And here’s the kicker. She says that the teacher involved may lose his/her job. WTF?!? First of all, it’s Ervin that should be fired for not having the right protocols in place to insure that a parent or terrorist intruder couldn’t enter the building without being detected. If she had her business handled, that parent couldn’t have entered a school, walked down the hall without being approached by a school representative, and entered a teacher’s classroom. The first blame lies with yourself, Ervin. You always talk about holding people accountable. Do you hold yourself to the same standard? We all know that the answer is “NO”, but I just had to put it out there. Do I feel that the teacher should have reported the incident?……HELL NO! Teaching is such a slippery slope these days that teachers don’t want to get involved in anything that may be legal. Besides, the parent came to help the teacher. What teacher in his/her right mind would tell on the person that came to support his/her cause? I’m sure that most teachers would have turned a blind eye to something like that, especially since this was an allegedly a “problem student”. I don’t blame the teacher. There’s a need for ass-whippings in the classroom. These kids get away with all kinds of mess on a daily basis and it is just ridiculous. I mean, a kid basically has to stab or shoot another kid or teacher before the child will receive any consequences for his/her actions. If a parent comes to my class, whips his/her child and didn’t kill his or her child in the process, I’m not saying JACK! I’m putting it out there….PARENTS FEEL FREE TO HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS WITH BELTS, SWITCHES, OR SHOES ANYTIME THAT YOU NEED TO IN MY CLASSROOM. I got your back! I didn’t see a thing!! So all that teacher losing the job stuff, it’s insane. I’m from the Old School when it comes to discipline. If you show your ass in the grocery store…..You get your ass whipped in the grocery store. If you show your ass in the mall……You get your ass whipped in the mall. Obviously this was that kind of parent. Instead of calling the police to arrest the person, Ervin should have thrown the parent a party on school time and given him a medal. Hell, we need more parents to come in and regulate (Warren G). The bottom line is that Mrs. Ervin has shown her incompetence once more by not providing an effective plan for school security in regards to teacher/student safety. It came back to bite her in the ass, excuse me blubber. And now she is trying to pin the whole incident on the teacher. Time to CFU (Check For Understanding for Non-Teachers). If you understand that the whole incident would not have taken place if there were security measures in place to stop the parent from ever getting past the main office, give me a thumbs up. If you’re a complete ignoramus and are clueless at this point, just slap yourself.
I gotta switch gears hear for a minute. I was talking to my wife yesterday about all the comments that we hadn’t read which are on the post that features Mr. Rodgers. LOL! I know she’s smiling right now. LOL! Yea Baby! I love you too (It’s an inside joke). Well anyway, we noticed that some parents were not amused with the language of the blog and some people were actually trying to defend Mrs. Ervin. DOUBLE LOL!! What a joke! You can’t defend wrong! But that person is entitled to her opinion as well, so I’m going to let that go. I’m mainly concerned with the criticism of the language. Look. This is a forum to freely express what you want about Sasquatch and we’re not pulling any punches. I’d like to borrow from Eddie Murphy’s stand up titled Delirious. “If there are any people in the audience with small children, old people that are easily offended, get the fuck out now!” As a matter of fact, there is a “CONTENT WARNING” at the beginning of the site that you have to click “I understand and wish to continue” to gain access to the site. So don’t come with the attitude that we shouldn’t be saying what we do. If you don’t want to read or see vulgarity, I respectfully request that you “STAY YOUR ASS OFF THE SITE”. Go read the Marietta Daily Journal, Atlanta Constitution, or Jet. You don’t come up in here and tell us how to run this bitch. LOL! I’m just playing but I’m serious about the sign at the door. I’m going to tell it like I feel it. And obviously the other teachers that are commenting are doing the same thing. We are the Hebrew slaves of the Cobb County School District and this is blog is our voice to vent when we want and how we want. The last time I checked, when people vent frustration, it usually comes across with emotion. That’s what you get here. But if you’re really offended, I’d invite you to round up the parents in the area and “DEMAND” a meeting with Mrs. Ervin to discuss the reasons why she is dogging her staff, why she degrades them constantly, why she constantly threatens them, why she targets people that she doesn’t like for twisted personal reasons and proceeded to create false paper trails to fire them, and why she blocks people from transferring to other Cobb County schools when they want to leave the madness. Let those things be your mission since you are “so concerned” about the students. The teachers have spoken, you heard it, and instead of taking action you chose to sit on your behind and criticize the teachers. WTF? Do something to solve the problem. I dare u.
Ok. Let me get some of that shit off my shoe and get back to this spanking mess. Bottom line again, it’s all Ervin’s fault, she won’t accept responsibility as usual (but I bet if it were praise, she’d almost kill herself to get in front of Fox 5 to take credit), and she’s trying deflect all the attention on the teacher involved. She needs her ass whipped!

Friday, February 26, 2010

See…….I tried to let it go.

I tried to let this monstrosity that calls herself a principle get off with just a internet ass-kickin. But the shit has really got out of control these days. So fuck it. I’m back to serve the Ollie family with a healthy serving of truth. Can anyone tell me why is it that men of color are being targeted at Lindley Middle School? Why are they consistently doing a sub-par job in comparison to their female counterparts (on paper..wink-wink). Is this a form of gender based discrimination, racial discrimination, or both. I think it’s both. And eventhough the law doesn’t recognize it at the present….There is a thing called intraracial discrimination which needs to be written into the law. A person of a certain ethnic background can and will discriminate against members of their same race. Why? Survival in a certain environment, mentally twisted, or just because they can I guess. Anywho….How many men are going to be constantly harassed and placed on PDPs this year? What’s really going on? Is Miza Chalie behind the scene pulling the strings of this 300lb, thigh scrubbing, totally disgusting, and wig-wearing sellout? Some think so, whereas others do not. In either case….The situation is messed up. This woman can’t stand men. By “men” I don’t mean ass-kissers with male genetalia. I mean testosterone producing, standing your ground, get dirty when you have to……MEN! And I’m going to include women in this also. Any woman that has a backbone is going to become a target for Mrs. Ervin. She wants all signs of strength out of the building for next year and she has started her false paper trails once more to try to eliminate certain individuals in the building. It’s the same M.O.. When she doesn’t like someone she sends Kanisha Clipboard in their room to evaluate them daily. No matter what you do as a teacher, no matter how well you follow the script, you’re going to have some type of major flaw in your teaching style on paper when Clipboard leaves. Clipboard is going to put your bad write-up in your box and eventually Kizzie is going to call you to her office and explain to you how you ain’t shit and need to change careers. Mrs. Ervin is very immature to be a 50+ year old gorilla. She’s playing games with people’s livelihoods and it is not a game at all. People have bills to pay and family to take care of…This type of shit can turn “VERY SERIOUS” in a heartbeat. Has she ever heard of the term “going postal”? Let her keep messing with people and playing games with their lives….she may be playing catch the bullets. She needs to stop or the board needs to stop her because it’s always the person that people least expect that goes off and does something crazy. So if you’re a person on the edge and no one at school knows about it, take a couple of sick days off to get your mind right. You may love teaching, but let’s face it. When it comes to working under Fat Nasty…..It’s just a job. You can get another one. Walk in the door with a “I don’t give a fuck attidude”, do your time, and get your check. Plain and simple. It is really crazy when you think about it. All this drama may be the result of Mrs. Ervin looking in the mirror. One would think that she would have come to terms with her appearance a long time ago. Sad……………….Very Sad, Pitiful Even (Snaggle Pus). What's your opinion?