Two minutes left in the 4th quarter and “fat lady” is still singing “you’d better be glad that you have a job”. Whateva!! What is the last day that you can opt opt of your contract? I’m sure some of you know because you’re looking for another job so you won’t have to come back to another year of dealing with 800 lb gorilla in the room. Anyway……… take time to reflect on the year and set your direction for the upcoming year. The way its looking right now, Lindley will not make AYP outright again. Once again the school is counting on the summer retake to get by. I thought it was one….two…..three strikes you’re out? Ervin you haven’t inproved on what Mr. McCrary (your superior) did. The data, you know you’re soooo big on data, shows that you and your style of leadership (Kronieism & kiss-asses) is not effective. You have failed three straight times to improve. I will give you credit for being the biggest Candy Pimp in public education history along with being the most clueless administrator since the invention of the loin cloth. I know you’ve managed to photo-op your way through along with conning others into believing that you know what you’re doing, but the writing (a-hem! DATA!) is on the wall. You have failed again. Lindley teachers. Its not your fault. You all know that the way she “makes” you teach is ridiculous. When you can’t teach your class as you need to the fault doesn’t fall on you. Of course, she’ll try to make it seem that way. But it’s not. That musk ox will take all credit and no fault always so expect nothing else. As for you hoping for Raspusha to leave, she can’t. She has to kiss all the ass she can downtown to stay in the position that she has. Remember….she was tossed out on her ass from Fulton County. She’s bad news and damaged goods. No other county will hire her. This is her last boogie and she knows it. She’s not leaving until she can retire. That’s why she’s trying to get (cheat her way to –allegedly. The last time I checked, cheating wasn’t allowed. But those with not honor…..) a Ph.D………… trying to retire at a higher pay scale. With all the stuff she’s doing and not getting in trouble some seen to think that she’s a pawn that’s being played by her superiors. Someone that’s weak who is pretending to be strong only to please someone else. Think about it. When you’re on your last boogie you can’t afford to upset anyone. The final verdict……EPIC FAIL SKANK!! YOU, AND NOT THE SCHOOL OR TEACHERS, NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!!!
I have just one question... Why do the core academic teachers have to be punished by presenting Benchmark and CRCT data? Why did she get upset because people were being honest on a survey? This is the very reason so many people are leaving this year.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that Lindley MS has the most openings on the Cobb Count website. Hopefully, that will tell her superiors something! Way to stand strong teachers! Refuse to be bullied...even if it means finding a new place to work in this economy.
ReplyDeleteIt is pathetic when an adminstrator blames the large turnover on the students. Ervin has other administrators in the county believing her staff always leaves because of the large number of bad students. Maybe in her mind she thinks this is why they leave. Ervin needs to base her next evaluation on being able to keep her staff. A strong administrator is backed by his or her staff. Ervin does not have this support. Her staff hates her, her leadership team laughs behind her back, and this cycle repeats itself each year. It is time for Ervin to evaluate her leadership skills. How many times can one person repeat their mistakes? Why must your staff suffer because of your insecurities?
ReplyDeleteI've been reading this blog from time to time and am grateful I followed my first mind and transfered my son last year( 3 weeks into the school year and she gave me grieve and strife about transferring). He's enjoyed 2 successful years at the choice school and we are looking forward to HS in the fall.
ReplyDeleteI'm also very glad that his friends that have endured 2 years under Ervin will be DONE come Wednesday at 12:30pm. I'm truly sorry for those that were overly stressed-staff and students alike. I've heard both good and not so good things about Lindley from staff and students, well from the students- either you loved it or you didn't. Prayerfully working conditions will improve for the coming school year.
Thank you to his Science teacher(Coleman) and Social Studies teacher(Garcia)who wrote reco's for his P2P trip last summer. Good luck to those that will be traveling with P2P this summer and to all moving on to High School.
It is good to see that not all parents are fooled by the dictatorship called Lindley Middle. You were smart to move your child. Please continue to pray for the teachers and staff at Lindley- it is the only thing that will help. If you thought the last three years were bad, just wait until next school year.
ReplyDeleteWhy does it feel like we are in Pre-Planning rather than Post Planning?
ReplyDeleteI have avoided posting on this blog since I learned about it, but I must admit today was absolutely ridiculous! We had to spend the entire day presenting or listening to teachers present data as our punishment for the survey that teachers completed. Change must come soon.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just LOVE data!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's all over the wall in the data room, in our rooms, in notebooks, in meeting minutes...what was the point!?!A waisted day yet again at Lindley watching a bully run things!
I just want you all to know that if your really want to get rid of this woman, you all have to stick together. Forget the ones that are telling her stuff they will get what is comming to them, because she will call them out sooner or later. It's things you all can get her on if you really wanted to. She's did wrong to just about all of the faculty and staff, come on people let's let her know we mean business.
ReplyDeleteHow did you all like that fake cry she did at the luncheon?
ReplyDeleteThat fake cry was classic. The sad thing is she has the Area Supt. eating out of her hand. We are doomed!!
ReplyDeleteDisgusted in E. Cobb wrote on Thursday, May 26 at 10:00 PM »
ReplyDeleteSo let me make sure I have this straight (Dr. Hinojosa, are you listening?), a
principal can have an extra marital affair WITH a teacher who they supervise, get suspended from the PSC for 8 months and the CCSD HR department will immediately re-hire you - all within 9 months.
But if you are a teacher in the CCSD and are honorable, very effective/successful, much respected and widely supported (by colleagues and parents) but you don't turn in ONE lesson plan to your administrator, you will be banned from teaching or even substitute teaching in the CCSD?
Say what????
Disgusting disparity wouldn't you say?
Hmmmmm. No wonder half of the teachers are leaving Lindley. I am new to this blog and I'm interested in knowing who got suspended for 8 months? Is this a fact?
ReplyDeleteOh yes. Teachers get banned in Cobb in a heartbeat. Once you go on the "BANNED" list you will be flagged by your ssn and at that point you can forget getting another job in CCSD. Just look at the "data". How many good teachers has Big E gotten rid of through lies and school board supported, and false documentation? Once you get your answer, think to yourself.............how many of those teachers currently work for the CCSD? Has to be illegal...
ReplyDeleteRead Marietta Daily journal on all the dirt going in Cobb it starts with the Board of Education and the law firm.
ReplyDeleteThe newly appointed principal at South Cobb HS was suspended for 8 months because he had an affair with the Literacy Coach at the elementary school where he was principal. His name is Morales and the board approved his appointment to principal last week.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe that of all the APs in Cobb they had to "rehire" this man. As someone stated earlier, a teacher can be fired with an accusation of inappropriate behavior and this man is rewarded with a new position and raise.
Why does Lindley Middle have the most vacancies in the entire district? Talk about things that make you go hmmmmm!
ReplyDeleteEveryday another teacher leaves. At this point we are about at 20...how many wil it be before August 15th? Anybody want to start a poll?
ReplyDeleteTwenty sounds a bit extreme! How do you know this many teachers are leaving? Why aren't all of these positions posted?
ReplyDeleteLet me break it down for you (I'm gonna just use initials for confidentiality reasons)
ReplyDelete1. P.Y
2. C.J
3. A.F
4. B. F
5. D.D
6. J.C
7. C. M
8. R. R
9. A. B
10. D.C
11. E.B
12. J.R
13. D.J
14. J.S
15. A.G
16. K. H
17. Math
18. Math
19. LA
So do you wanna start that poll?
Can the county look into this and I wonder what Erv has to say about this!
"I kill teachers and will continue to kill teachers to get my results. Next year it will be worse"...famouse words by Sandra Ervin
You forgot M.T and S.G.
ReplyDeleteAgain..I repeat myself:
ReplyDeleteI noticed that Lindley MS has the most openings on the Cobb Count website. Hopefully, that will tell her superiors something! Way to stand strong teachers! Refuse to be bullied...even if it means finding a new place to work in this economy.
May 23, 2011 10:40 AM
Lindley has 20% of the current middle school openings in Cobb County.
ReplyDeleteCheck out today's (June 5) Marietta Journal, http://www.mdjonline.com/view/full_story/13823922/article-Bill-Kinney--Worst-to-First---Lindley-Middle-School-transformed--thanks-to-new-principal?instance=secondary_story_left_column.
ReplyDeleteTried to post a comment about the article in the MDJ....awaiting comment approval which, in short, means my comment probably will NOT get posted. I threw up in my mouth a little when the article quoted Erv telling the students to compliment her so they'd, in turn, learn how to compliment each other. #waytocoveryourhideErv!
ReplyDeleteWow... Erv is quoted as seeing it was her idea to split the 6th Grade Academy. She also said that God told her to come back "home" to Cobb County. Now is that really why she left Westlake in Fulton County?
ReplyDeleteI just read the article and I'm speechless. The MDJ is clueless. If Sanderson was her political connection, will things change now? An outsider would think Ervin is a caring and compassionate person. My children attended Lindley prior to Ervin, and the last one just finished. Many of us know the real Ervin. The teachers and the students are just as much a part of the success at Lindley. Somebody needs to expose this phony, unethical crook. I am glad my child is finished at Lindley. I never seen a school charge students to attend dances and assemblies during the school day. Also, I have a problem with a school selling candy to my child first thing in the morning. Erv will be exposed, this type of behavior is not acceptable for a leader. If the MDJ only knew the truth. Teachers, please remember you are doing this for the children. Please do not let this tyrant get the best of you.
ReplyDeleteLets get the poll started. I wonder if they even care about the turnover at Lindley. It seems as if nothing matters as long as AYP is met.
ReplyDeleteBe nice to see if they don't make AYP (would hate it for the kids but would love to see how the county will handle Ervin)...I wonder if that will be because of the field trip to the Fox? I wonder if it was reported to the testing coordinators that kids were issued out of classes before teh test was over so they could make the trip, kids did not get lunch the entire day, and administrators stood over kids waiting on them to finish so they could catch the bus! If this was not a testing violation what is? Well I guess that $10 per student was more important to Erv than the kids being able to take their time on the math test. Maybe more 8th graders would have passed the test if it wasnt for that disruption!
ReplyDeleteShe left Westlake cause they threw her out like the stankin garbage! She was forced to come back to Cobb, she didn't want to! She didn't want to come to Lindley but Cobb would not allow her anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteHow can she take credit for seperating the schools? This was in progress before she came to Lindley. Does anyone not remember that we made AYP the year before she got there? Writing scores was all Roche' NOT her lovely Cordell could make the data that Roche' put up! The bad thing is we are loosing her, a GREAT teacher! OPEN YOUR EYES COBB AND REMOVE THIS DISGRACE FROM OUR COUNTY! ERVIN MUST GO!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCordell's scores were unacceptable for a teacher that had gifted classes. The regular ELA classes had more students exceed than Cordell. Cordell needs to wake up and get a life. Ervin is going to drop her like a hot potato the minute things come to light. Poor Cordell, she is so caught up in Erv's crap that she can't get her own together. How many years did it take her to get this position? Why would any sane person take a pay decrease to work with Erv?
ReplyDeleteRead this article that was published by the Marietta Daily Journal. Please note that any comments written about this article will require approval from the editors. Truth tellers bombard the MDJ with your letters regarding the truth of this school and woman.
Maybe the MDJ article is a blessing from God, and He is answering your prayers. This is the time to EXPOSE her. Let her plan backfire on her. It wouldn't surprise me if she contacted the editor of the article, and asked him to write an article about her.It's time the district and everyone else know about her wrongdoings. Tell EVERYTHING!!! Also, reference this blog, so that people will know that she has been a HORRIBLE principal since DAY 1. Hopefully, someone from Fulton County Schools will read the posts and also EXPOSE her.
ReplyDeleteWow..."students running across the highway to but snacks between classes." This is a LIE...I was teaching at LMS during that year.
ReplyDeleteShe was responsible for LSGA!!! Hahahaha...that was done the year before she got there. Once again...I was teaching there.
If you ever get a chance talk to the H. Lealand front office staff while she was there. The stories and how Cobb wanted her out are priceless.
How did she get hired back in Cobb? Is their somebody protecting her?