This is an official announcement for all “White” Lindley teachers. There are a few things that you may not be aware of but I feel that it is my obligation to bring these things to light. The first thing that you need to know is that you are UNTOUCHABLE! It is impossible for you to get into trouble at Lindley. I’m willing to put money on it. The mere color of your skin gives you some type of Diplomatic Immunity from attacks from the Ghetto Gestapo. Right now you may not believe that, but it is true. She’s going to be very cordial with you on a daily basis because she doesn’t want any Caucasian causing running to human resources to complain about her. Just remember, no matter how much trash “The Ultimate Micromanager” talks, she won’t think about attacking one of you. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll pretend that she’s going to do something to harm your career like giving you a bad evaluation or firing you……but trust me……ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! Why? Well there are some ills and philosophies that were instituted in Blacks during slavery that still exist within the African American community today. The first is a fear of WHITE PEOPLE. Yes, I said it! Some African Americans are afraid of Caucasians, especially some older foot-shufflin, Uncle Toms like Big Bertha. I suspect it was instilled in her on the plantation in her early days as a young piglet. But no matter when it started, it’s there, she’s had it all her life, and she’s going to die with it. So when she calls you to the office to talk some smack about some bullshit, stand up, put your hands on your hips like Superman, and cuss her fat ass out and tell her to go SKRAIT TO HELL! Make sure to use all the Ebonic phrases that you’ve learned over the years from watching BET Comic View and Def Comedy Jam. Words like “ Fuck You, You Wig Wearing Bitch, Thigh Scrubbing Heffa, and Greazy Neck Skank. Once Again…Trust Me. She’s not going to do a thing! Why? (CFU) Because she’s scared of ______ ______. If by chance you stopped watching Def Comedy Jam because you really didn’t understand the language and couldn’t figure out what a Jeri Curly was to save your life…….. Definitely file a grievance with the school district. You see, she doesn’t care about the Negroes in the school complaining about her to Mr. Chalie because Mr. Chalie doesn’t give a damn about us anyway. She knows this and uses it to her advantage because Mr. Chalie uses her to keep the other slaves in line. I can hear her gloating and cooning in a Principal’s meeting. “Yessa Misa Chalie. I’s done good. I’s done real good over dere at Linley. Does no good nigras over dere isa always up ta causin mess. But I gets dem to work. I works em real. Yes Sa!” LMBAO! She’s a joke at the board and her dumb ass doesn’t even realize it. But back on task…..Yes. She’s scared of yall. So just remember that when she’s talking a bunch of nonsense, she doesn’t want you, Mr. Charlie’s distant cousin, going back and complaining about her. So in any event you’ll come out squeaky clean and free as a bird. Trust me!
DISCLAIMER: Don’t try any of that shit mentioned above with a younger black person under the age of 50 because you’ll be in for a fight and may get your ass kicked in the process.
Hey Ollie,
ReplyDeleteIf I haven't already told you. You need to do stand up comedy part time, seriously. I have never read a blog so much in my life!
Where ya been Ollie? I'm really shocked that you didn't have a comment about the Christmas Party a.k.a. These are the People I Truly Love Party. No comment on the faculty meeting on the 4th that was just a smoke screen for keeping everyone there until 4:45pm? Nothing on the reflections that were given to keep us busy over our holiday weekend? Come on Ollie! We need your humor and insight!
ReplyDeleteAs a voice of reason here, I want to say that many of these people are acting out the way that they are due to the way that they are treated at LMS. Some of the language and behavior exhibited on this blog is distasteful and filled with hate, but I guess when folks are pushed to that point.... On the flip side, there are principals that want the best for their students and desire quality education in the school and they get it, but not because teachers are disrespected and abused by the principal, but because the teachers love and respect the kids and the principal that they serve. I know that you parents are upset about the things said on this blog, but you will never understand until you are in the teachers' shoes. You will not understand until you are a teacher that is asked to do unethical things and later thrown on the carpet by the principal who asked you to do it. You will not know until you are told to drop out of school so that you can spend more time at work. You will not know until you are forced to spend hours and hours away from your small children, friends, and spouses because it is a part of the "vision." I understand your disgust at this blog, but you will not understand until you have been forced to live it day in and day out.
ReplyDelete@Voice of reason: I agree that the language and behavior has been distasteful; however, what is alarming to me as a parent is the fact that these are the teachers who are teaching our children. Is this what they will result to because they disagree with the leadership style of their manager? Really? As a manager myself, I too have come into a department that was in total disarray, not respected by other departments and employed with individuals that only did what they were told. I had to make some hard changes immediately and they hated me, but I reminded them that they could find another job. And that is what I say to the simpleminded teachers participating in this slander of Mrs. Ervin. Go somewhere else, because like it or not, she is good at what she does. The "educated" parents love her and what she is doing. She has our full support as she did in Fulton County.
ReplyDeleteTo all the parents who respond with foul language and ignorant remarks, you and your children are the reason that society is going down hill. You and your children have no respect for authority or in general. Those of you on her calling teachers every curse word in the book are the reason your children go to school and do the same thing. You talk about how fabulous Mrs. Ervin is, but you're probably the ones calling the news crews because she put your ignorant, disrespecting child in ISS for a week. Get a clue and some further education before you come on here trying to cut down on the teachers who put up with your child's BS day after day!
ReplyDeleteI applaud you parents for speaking up and I'm hoping that this blog reveals the ignorance that we (dedicated Lindley teachers) have to deal with. This last post reflects how some of the teachers at Lindley feel about you and your children. Can you imagine the struggles our adminstrators have with such a hostile and pretentious sector of the staff? They couldn't get past the initial interview at the other schools, settled for Lindley, and choose to be critical and divisive instead of trying to make a difference in these children's lives. God bless all of you, please continue to support our school, our efforts, and pray for these educators that have truly lost their way. It's sad.
ReplyDeleteOnce again as a Voice of Reason, I want the parents to understand what the teachers at Lindley go through. You wake up and get dressed and kiss your family goodbye, because your kids will be sleep by the time you are able to get home to them. You get to work and you are cursed out by children and administration. You are told that you suck as a teacher, even though your kids and parents love you and your test scores and grades are very good. You "volunteer" for committees in order to follow the vision, only to be told that you are not following the vision. You go to meeting after meeting in the office about things that have NOTHING to do with teaching and your kids. You finally get home to sleep children and a spouse who is upset with you for doing yet another late night. The creator and teachers on this blog may have gone about this thing absolutely wrong, but frustration will drive you almost anywhere, especially if they give up the faith and the devil is driving. Do I agree with the language? No. Do I sympathize with the teachers? Yes. Do I understand the parent standpoint? Yes. This is a venting mechanism for the teachers. You would be surprised how truly phenomenal some of these angry teachers are once they get in the classroom with their students. Sometimes, things just go to far, but it is my hope and prayer that these teachers will get the relief that they need by leaving Lindley and going to a more promising and fitting school. Cobb treats LMS like a dumping ground, which is why the teachers are subjected to such mess, but if these teachers are not advocated for by a leader who is not trying to get a book deal, but is actually trying to help them, things will only get worse.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher at Lindley, I do not agree with the language or the hurtful/malious things posted on the blog. Some posts have been truthful, other exaggerated for dramatic effect. I look forward to leaving Lindley with my head held high knowing that I overcame many personal attacks in order to do my best for these kids. I built relationships with them, I wiped their tears, I encouraged them to do better, and I have seen and still expect to see much success and growth. But I also recognize that my home life is suffering, and I need to protect that. When all is said and done, what matters most is my family. I believe many teachers feel this way. Just because we are tired of the mental/emotional abuse, the disrespect of our personal time, and the unethical things we have been asked to do, does that mean we can't teach? So that leads us to the below question.
ReplyDeleteWhy people stay? Bad economy (which is what we are told on a constant basis by our administrator), blocked transfers(yes, we have tried to transfer but we have been discouraged from doing so or told it we won't get one), fear of not being able to support our families, fear that we will have to work outside of education, being made false promises by the administration that lures us into staying one more year.
On a side note, Mrs. Ervin has been out for numerous days this year and the school has run like clockwork. Makes you wonder if she is even really necessary? Ms. Dye and Mr. Lavizzo get things done quite nicely. The only thing she adds to the school is threats, unethical spending and comments, and a "high profile" to get sponsors. I can do without those things, thank you very much!
~ Trying to be the best I can be despite the other nonsense.
@Trying to be honest: Your response was very well written. I second that.
ReplyDeleteTo the parents,
ReplyDeleteOne thing that people have to realize is there are MANY dedicated teachers at Lindley that love teaching. I said teaching, not slaving. We are in the trenches daily doing everything that we are asked to do and more. We get up every day with the attitude that we are making a difference in the lives of your children. We try very hard to provide a quality and engaging educational experience for all our students. The problem is…WE ARE TIRED! Not of your children but the UNNECESSARY “other duties and responsibilities” that we are required to do. What has happened to teaching, good quality teaching? It does not exist in the school with Mrs. Ervin. Please do not get me wrong she has done WONDERFUL things at Lindley but there are many things that she has done to kill the moral within the spirit of our school. We buy into the vision but many of the requirements that we are bullied into doing are not for the vision of the school, these things are done to look good in the eyes of the other principals. At times I feel like we are just decorating for the big show. Let me provide some examples for you…
1) We are fussed at for not following our lesson plans, or should I say scripts, but there is so much stuff on there that we forget what we write. On average, the lesson plans are 6 to 10 pages. We have to print them every week with a checklist and send them electronically. And Mrs. Ervin complains about spending money on paper?
2) If I am correct all teachers are required to have a duty free lunch. That does not happen at Lindley. We have to eat with our class and then go right back to teaching.
3) We are told that if we cannot find the time to plan during our planning time. Before I go any further let me break down our planning time. We take our kids to connections at 10:05; we have to walk them in a straight line to the other end of the building. Our planning starts at 10:05, the same time that our class ends. Now we are trying to move about 400 kids on the same hallway. By the time that the students get to connections it is about 10:15. We have to have team meetings to write lesson plans, deliver information, use the bathroom, and call a parent, ECT. from 10:15-10:50. We have to be at our doors to receive our kids at 10:55. If we don’t have the time to plan during our designated planning time we have to plan afterschool or on the weekend. Many of us have children in day care, elementary school, ECT. there are no considerations for our families.
That is all I am going to say for now, but I hope you understand where I am coming from as a dedicated teacher at Lindley who loves teaching at Lindley and love my students. For the 13 years that I have been teaching I have never known of a principal to use the new evaluation tool as a weapon to the teachers. The teachers are scared, scared to stand up for the fear she will slander our names and take our jobs. Honestly, many of us want to be there for the students, not for her, but please understand it is hard…
For the record, I find this blog to be hilarious and the majority of those who comment to be extremely depressing. I'm so thankful my kids don't go to this school and are influenced by this woman.
ReplyDeleteI'm horrified that some of you have procreated. Be an example to your kids. Stop using racist terms and stop destroying the English language.
Can we all just leave this blog alone and do our jobs? Why do we have to continue to degrade our co-workers? Yes Mrs. Ervin is hard and at times she is unfair but you have to remember that this is not about her, it is about the kids. So do what you have to do, teach your kids, and move on when the time comes. If you do what you are suppose to do there is no way she can stop you from moving on. To easy!
ReplyDeleteI agree to the post above me. Many quality folks who did what they had to do last year left Lindley and went on to become administrators and other successful things. If you do what you are supposed to do, there is no way that she can keep you from getting a job. Do what is needed for the kids...
ReplyDeleteSome of us need to read these again...
Wow. That's wonderful. Tell me....do they have one for administrators/principals too? Or do some of them get to abuse their power under the cover of "what's best for the children"? I just find it hard to believe that several teachers who have worked for different principals throughout their career all of a sudden are horrible teachers under Ervin. And no, I won't stop commenting and sticking up for these teachers. They are dedicated teachers who love what they do, and always think about what's best for their students. Just because they don't jump when she says so, they are put under the bus in the most dispicable manner. God doesn't like ugly, and mark my words...a day of reckoning is coming!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that when you disagree with administration on anything all of a sudden you aren't an effective teacher? Can there not be more than 1 right way to do something? Why is it all or nothing?
ReplyDeleteWe grew up with a different style of education, and we retained our knowledge. Are graphic organizers really the ONLY way that students will remember material? Aren't graphic organizers just glorified worksheets? Many teachers at Lindley have much education and experience. Why is their expertise not valued? I thought we were supposed to be treated as professionals? We are professionals, just like doctors and lawyers. So RESPECT your teachers, Mrs. Ervin. WE know what we are talking about. WE are in the classroom. When is the last time you taught in a classroom, Mrs. Ervin? I would love to see you follow our lesson plans and fit all of that junk into a 50 min. class period!
Oli! Come out, come out, whereever you are! We miss your voice of reason.
ReplyDeleteFrom STORM:
ReplyDeleteOk, I was one of the cursing and highly upset parents in the earlier posts defending Mrs Ervin and the administration- but some of you teachers have responded so intelligently and were so eloquent in describing your plight that it's obvious something is really going wrong at our school and you need our support.... What can we do to help you? Seriously. All bullsh*t aside- what do you need from us. No one should work in this misery and it's obvious we have teachers that are absolutely miserable and this needs to end NOW!!
To the person who thinks that Mrs. Ervin did a wonderful job in Fulton County you are so incorrect. Mrs. Ervin is doing in Cobb what she did in Fulton and what she did in Cobb before coming to Fulton. Fulton County did what was best for her students and her teachers and sent her back to Cobb County. Mrs. Ervin is a terrible administrator and anything she does supposedly for students is only for herself.
ReplyDeleteYou can't imagine how happy teachers who worked under her bad leadership are right now. Mrs. Ervin was a principal at two schools during her tenure in Fulton and every year you would have at a minimum of 30 teachers leaving at the end of they year. This is no joke. Her last year at Sandtown Middle School, 50 teachers left. This woman is the worst principal anyone would want to work with. I really hope that Cobb wakes up and smell the ----! It smells bad
I had the pleasure to work for Mrs. Ervin both years at Sandtown as a special education teacher. I thought she did a phenomenal job and I learned a great deal as a teacher and future administrator from her. It truly depends on your style as a teacher whether you meld with particular administrative styles. But as we all know, there will always be a complainer or someone that doesn't agree with how somethings are done. You are entitled to your opinion. The way business is conducted in order to supplement spending is not a teachers concern. But as an aspiring administrator, I admire the inventiveness and independent thinking that she displayed. I didn't agree with everything that she wanted us to do but I believe she did have the best intentions for those children. I wish her all the best! To the complainers, I pray that you allow your displeasure to inspire you with creative ideas to0 make things better. God Bless our teachers, you are the front line for the future thinkers. How you think will impact how they think, always.
ReplyDeleteI am the parent who defends Mrs. Ervin's efforts in Fulton County and you are correct that 50 teachers left Sandtown and others left West Lake. None of the parents complained when these teachers left. Most of them needed to go. Mrs. Ervin is that type of leader you need to come in and clean house. There are TOO many teachers that are what we call "check getters". They are not in it for our children and it shows. She set very high standards for Sandtown that have slowly dwindled away. The teachers are miserable there now being led by a poor leader with absolutely no interpersonal skills. She did a phenomenal job at Westlake and since her departure, it has been a total joke. There are still teachers leaving, so how do you explain that? I chose a different field because I recognize that teaching is a very difficult job. I support all of my children's teachers, but I recognize that some of you are NOT cut out for this job and I support Mrs. Ervin hold heartedly for weeding those people OUT!
ReplyDeleteGlad you aren't a teacher...especially since the phrase is "whole-heartedly" not hold heartedly. Maybe you shouldn't pass judgement on a profession that you recognize is too difficult for you to handle.
ReplyDeleteP.S.: Ervin has no interpersonal skills. It is all show.
Olie, Olie come out come out wherever you are. I am counting 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...who do we appreciate...Olie Olie he's our man no one can say it like he can...
ReplyDeleteWell maybe if we "spice" it up you are gonna come out of hiding! I got some good stuff for you if you come on out.
I'ts amazing how less stressed out the staff is when the CHIEF is not there. Teachers actually left the Leadership meeting on time!
ReplyDeleteOliver, have you left us? We miss you so!
ReplyDeleteDear Oliver,
ReplyDeleteAfter a extra long day of teaching, I rushed home to read the blog to see if you posted anything about today's threat session. I guess I am going to have to start my own blog. I hope you haven't been kidnapped by body snatchers...
Wanting More
So Ervin brings Ms. Bearden from the Ron Clark Academy to "motivate" us to remember our passion. BUT this morning she reminds us how we are ALL just average teachers who can be easily replaced. I am growing more and more tired (almost sick) with all the idle threats! And yes we all can imagine Lindley without your personal assistants. OOPS!!! I meant the "coaches"!
ReplyDeleteI am sooooo sorry...I had two years of hell with this woman, and I do not wish those years on the devil. Please know that you will outlive her. Her path of distruction cannot prevail.
ReplyDeleteThis Just In: Freedom of Speech is no longer allowed at faculty meetings. Unless you support the vision, keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you will be harassed by observations and tactless comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to write Oprah and see if she can donate money to the school so Mrs. Ervin will be able to go back into the classroom and teach. That would make my year! Let's see her fit in all this shit into a 50 minute class period.
ReplyDelete@Spell Check: That was a great catch! One that I would expect you, a teacher, to notice. Maybe I put that there just for you. :-) Just for the record, I'm not passing judgement sweety. This is an open forum and I too am voicing my opinion on the ignorance at my kids school. I purposely did not going into teaching because I KNOW I'm not cut out for this job; however, I am a professional and would how that you all could be such.
ReplyDeleteI must commend the staff at Lindley Productions today. Another great production put on by the wonderfull Mrs. Ervin and her staff for the Clarke County Schools. She is gonna have to start charging for the shows that she is producing. Can someone please tell me what "clipboard" does...
ReplyDeletebelieve me.......not all white people support her! I'm not sure of anyone who does!!!! Teachers need help!!! Save us!!