I tried to let this monstrosity that calls herself a principle get off with just a internet ass-kickin. But the shit has really got out of control these days. So fuck it. I’m back to serve the Ollie family with a healthy serving of truth. Can anyone tell me why is it that men of color are being targeted at Lindley Middle School? Why are they consistently doing a sub-par job in comparison to their female counterparts (on paper..wink-wink). Is this a form of gender based discrimination, racial discrimination, or both. I think it’s both. And eventhough the law doesn’t recognize it at the present….There is a thing called intraracial discrimination which needs to be written into the law. A person of a certain ethnic background can and will discriminate against members of their same race. Why? Survival in a certain environment, mentally twisted, or just because they can I guess. Anywho….How many men are going to be constantly harassed and placed on PDPs this year? What’s really going on? Is Miza Chalie behind the scene pulling the strings of this 300lb, thigh scrubbing, totally disgusting, and wig-wearing sellout? Some think so, whereas others do not. In either case….The situation is messed up. This woman can’t stand men. By “men” I don’t mean ass-kissers with male genetalia. I mean testosterone producing, standing your ground, get dirty when you have to……MEN! And I’m going to include women in this also. Any woman that has a backbone is going to become a target for Mrs. Ervin. She wants all signs of strength out of the building for next year and she has started her false paper trails once more to try to eliminate certain individuals in the building. It’s the same M.O.. When she doesn’t like someone she sends Kanisha Clipboard in their room to evaluate them daily. No matter what you do as a teacher, no matter how well you follow the script, you’re going to have some type of major flaw in your teaching style on paper when Clipboard leaves. Clipboard is going to put your bad write-up in your box and eventually Kizzie is going to call you to her office and explain to you how you ain’t shit and need to change careers. Mrs. Ervin is very immature to be a 50+ year old gorilla. She’s playing games with people’s livelihoods and it is not a game at all. People have bills to pay and family to take care of…This type of shit can turn “VERY SERIOUS” in a heartbeat. Has she ever heard of the term “going postal”? Let her keep messing with people and playing games with their lives….she may be playing catch the bullets. She needs to stop or the board needs to stop her because it’s always the person that people least expect that goes off and does something crazy. So if you’re a person on the edge and no one at school knows about it, take a couple of sick days off to get your mind right. You may love teaching, but let’s face it. When it comes to working under Fat Nasty…..It’s just a job. You can get another one. Walk in the door with a “I don’t give a fuck attidude”, do your time, and get your check. Plain and simple. It is really crazy when you think about it. All this drama may be the result of Mrs. Ervin looking in the mirror. One would think that she would have come to terms with her appearance a long time ago. Sad……………….Very Sad, Pitiful Even (Snaggle Pus). What's your opinion?
Never noticed this, but can see how it is true. Keep it up Oliver! We want more!
ReplyDeleteEnough of the craziness ladies and gentlemen!!! It is time for you to speak out about the abuses at LMS. I am glad that some bold souls decided to protest today in front of the school while ERVIN was "at the doctor's office". The ball has started rolling so speak up and be honest, especially if you have been placed on a PDP without a valid reason. There is no truth to Ervin's lie "There is no end to your work day". Everyone knows that Ervin asks the administrators to write bogus evaluations on teachers. Why do you think Ervin is no longer in Fulton county???? Ervin told illegal medical information about individuals (This is illegal). Using the school credit card to buy "Christmas gifts" that must be turned back in at the end of the school year is illegal. Why are teachers who want to transfer being told to "Watch their back". Why are the academic coaches and janitors Ervin's personal servants??