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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ervin Completes Her Graphic Organizer

Can someone in the Special Education Department please get her set up on an IEP?

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Village Idiot Strikes Again

“Don’t worry Ervin. Before it’s over, we’re going to put it all out there. The crimes you committed in the past as well as the bone head decisions and high jinks you are yet to do.-Another One Bites The Dust (August 16th)

I don’t know whether this is disturbing, funny, insane, or just plain stupid. Well let’s just go with a combination of all four. Today, August 28, 2009, Mrs. Sandra Ervin threw a birthday party for herself at Lindley Middle School during school hours. If it was done during lesson planning that would have been fine. If she would have given the kids a slice of Birthday Cake during lunchtime, that would have been fine. And lastly if it was done after school for 20-30 minutes that would have been fine. But these things are not grandeous enough to satisfy the thirst for attention and adornment by the Real Principals of Atlanta’s main star, Sandra “Off Her Rocker” Ervin. Oh no, she had to make sure that everyone recognized the genesis of the lunatic that we have to deal with on a daily basis. So she simply threw herself a party on company time. I forgot to mention that she:
1. Disrupted instructional time by reducing the hours that the kids are in the classroom. This is a school on NI-4 status that has only made AYP once in it’s history and Mrs. Ervin thinks it is ok to take the kids away from their studies for 4 hours to celebrate “her birthday”. Who Gives A Fuck?!? Normal adults celebrate their birthdays with grown-ups “THAT WANT TO CELEBRATE IT WITH THEM’. Not adults that are forced to celebrate it because you are their boss. USE THAT PRINCIPAL POWER MRS. ERVIN!! WE’RE GOING TO PARTY AND LIKE IT!! YOU GO GIRL!!
2. Not only did the kids miss out on instructional time today, they had to PAY $3 to participate in the party and it’s surrounding activities. Let’s examine this further. Making middle school kids pay to celebrate a principal’s birthday. Is that right? Is it acceptable? Now I know some you at the school are still high & drugged up from the Blind Obediance that was put in the Panera Bread the other day and are probably not thinking clearly. So I’m going to take this time to do a CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING. If you can identify with something being fundamentally wrong with what happened today, I need you to stand up. If you don’t understand that there is something fundamentally wrong with what took place today, I need you to remain seated and bang your forehead on the desk or any hard surface near you 5 times. Lastly, if you can’t really decide on which side of the fence you stand, pat yourself repeatedly on the head while rubbing your stomach. At this point I know there are about 5 people at Lindley that are banging their heads on the desk. LOL! At any rate, to make kids pay to party is the act of an insane person………Not to mention it violates the Code of Ethics. Wow!

***And don’t any of you Cronies try to come with that Raising Money For the School BS. If you want to raise money for the school, have a bake sale. It’s like we said before…….Everything is done for the glorification of Sandra ‘Neglected Child’ Ervin. If any of you cronies were really on her side, you’d try to get her some mental treatment.

****So what is Ervin going to buy for her birthday with all that money she collected?

***Sorry Mrs. Fulwood. We know that you were only doing your job and was told to draft the letter.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Unholy Communion

“If I don’t do nothin’ else, I’m gonna feed you”-Sandra Ervin. It sounds like she’s concerned about our nutritional needs. WRONG!!! It’s not what it seems. Make no mistake that everything that is given has strings attached. For every bite of bread, dessert, or muffin and for every sip of coffee, juice, or milk that she gives you there is a price. Sometimes you pay the price before hand and sometimes you’re going to pay the price after you get it. Either way it’s coming. She beats you down, strips you of your personal time, and works you like a slave and then offers us a peace offering in the form of a biscuit. WTF?!? Am I supposed to be happy and pacified by this? I don’t think so! How about you leave us alone and stop trying to execute all this mess you read in HOW TO BE A PRINCIPAL THAT MAKES AYP vol. 1. We can buy our own damn bread when we leave work….ON TIME!! It’s sad when a 50 year old doesn’t realize that a person can’t buy friends or loyalty. Well not from people like us anyway. Now you may get a few kissers that don’t have a life and need something on which to latch and validate their existences. That’s fine. Let them eat from the body of Satan and Drink her blood as much as they like when the Panera Bread comes.
The reference to Marie demonstrates the similarities that exist between the insensitive natures and concerns for the people that they (Marie and Big Shirley) have been appointed to serve. Historians debate on whether or not Marie Antoinette uttered the phrase, but we all have heard the “I’m gonna feed you” line. Did I mention that in the end, Marie Antoinette was beheaded?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun Friday!!

I'm not going to call any names. But these pictures look very familiar to someone we know. Which one looks most familiar?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust!!

On Friday, August 14, a veteran science teacher that was transferred to Lindley Middle School from a school in North Cobb walked off the job. This is a highly educated, veteran teacher with many years of experience and just 4 days in the classroom having to deal with Ervin’s BS was too much for her to handle. It has been mentioned by the staff, but not confirmed that her classroom management, teaching style, and inability to collaborate with grade level content team was the problem which lead to her being called into Mrs. Ervin’s office early Friday morning. . This scenario sounds pretty familiar because a former science teacher that taught at Lindley last year was ‘documented’ as having the same types of problems. Hmmm. Ain’t that nothin! Why is it that teacher that function just fine in positive school environments have problems at Lindley 7th and 8th Grade Academy?
Let’s break this down. Complaints about teaching style comes from Kanisha Sherman-Cambridge (Clipboard) without a doubt. She is always trying to criticize teachers that are more qualified than herself. This woman (teacher that ran for the border) has a Ph.D and Kanisha has a Bachelors degree? Is the picture becoming clear? There’s something wrong with this picture. Clipboard is not qualified to evaluate teachers. I know they call them “walk throughs or observations” but make no mistake about it…It’s an evaluation. Now look at the complaints about collaboration. Only people on your content team know if you collaborate and contribute to lesson plans……… There’s a mole in the 8th grade science content that is running back a reporting to Mrs. Ervin, Clipboard, or to her team lead, who reports things back up the chain. It has been 4 days and the tattle telling has begun. WTF?!!!?
Side Note
A day prior to the science teacher escapade, Mrs. Jacqueline “Buckeye” Smith left Lindley and returned to the educational system of the State of Florida. On the surface it looked like a she was just leaving, but we all know that she was getting her ass kicked by Mrs. Ervin behind closed doors and the pressure was getting to her. Which only serves her right, because she is thought to be instrumental in starting alot of the mess that took place last year at the school. She sat down with Mrs. Ervin a created a list of the people that she felt needed to be out of education. When the 2008-2009 school year started Mrs. Ervin systematically went through the process of getting rid of those teachers. But that’s a topic for another day. Back to Smith. The brown nosing didn’t work out so well for her. Smith thought that she could appear taller if she pushed other people down. Instead Ervin made her an administrative cook and table setter. LOL! See what happens when you try to make a pact with the devil. I’m giving you the hint. Some of you are going to wake up a day late and a dollar short.
If we find that anything we have mentioned here is a mistake or false, it will be updated. We aren’t like Ervin. We don’t falsify documents. Everything that we put on this blog is true and came about because the teachers at Lindley have had enough! We know that Ervin reads it too because she wants to know what TRUTH we will be reporting next. Don’t worry Ervin. Before it’s over, we’re going to put it all out there. The crimes you committed in the past as well as the bone head decisions and high jinks you are yet to do. You are such a fuckup that we have stories already written about you from last year with ‘DOCUMENTATION’ attached with you and your team’s signatures. IT’S ALL GOING TO COME OUT AT THE RIGHT TIME. I promise you that you will liveup to the recognition that you recieved by MACE.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

“You Only Get One Shot At A Second Chance”……..Mike Vick (Sportscenter Interview)

Today Mike Vick had to face the public for the crimes that he committed which lead him to losing everything including his football contract and multi-million dollar endorsements. But most important, he let down the people that have supported him over the years. Now he has a second chance to prove to the world that he has learned from his mistakes and become an asset to his team and a positive influence to others. HE’S GOT HIS SHOT! I believe that he will do well and I wish him well. Now let’s take a look at Sandra Ervin. I can’t speak on what happened in Fulton County Schools which lead to her ejection from Westlake High School, because I wasn’t there. Whatever it was, she didn’t learn anything from it because someone in Cobb County ‘gave her a chance’ or ‘second chance’ to prove herself as being an upstanding and capable principal. SHE GOT HER SHOT! Completely F*&CED IT UP! That person that provided the opportunity for redemption through actions has been let down tremendously. She’s here in CCSD and running the school like a concentration camp, It’s ridiculous. In just ten months she has managed to rack of 10+ grievances and two federal EEOC complaints. From my vantage point this doesn’t look good at all. So if the school board and any other school officials want to turn a blind eye to this, well it’s probably time for them to leave the profession because teachers don’t sign on the dotted line for this kind of abuse. Like Mike Vick she needed to serve time for her crimes and get her thoughts together. That didn’t happen. Let’s see……..No time for reflection for a bully…….not a good thing. Where the hell is the Oops/Wow process for Lunatic Administrators? How many Oops are going to be recorded before something is done about this crap? Anybody that has the nerve to tell the teachers that they need to ‘QUIT NOW IF THEY DON’T WANT TO BE HERE’ during pre-planning and in front of a new superintendent is not wrapped too tight. Trust me…..That elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top and she’s a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. I mentioned it before….psychopathic and sociopathic behavior. The woman needs to use her mental health benefits ASAP!
*Oops /Wow is a procedure for dealing with students when they have behavior problems in the classroom…It’s Bullshit and the kids are taking it for a joke after just one week. Ervin got the idea from somebody else because she doesn’t have one original idea in that acorn she calls a brain.

Sandra’s Video

The parents and students really didn’t know what kind of monster they were supporting at the time. This shows the support that she got from the people that couldn’t see through the smoke screen. All they saw was someone that ‘pretends’ to care about their children. They didn’t know what really happened behind the scenes. But she knew! So if she was smart, she should have turned over a new leaf when she came to Cobb County. Wishful thinking I guess because people can’t get away from their true natures. As my friend says, “A beast is still a beast. You can put a wig and make up on it, but it’s still a beast!” A perfect example is when Big Shirley and Clipboard were walking around trying to be nice for a few days last week right before THE TRIAL J But look at things now. Back to the same ‘ol bs. I told you! Go back and read the posting FOLLOWING DI-VISION. Don’t drop you guard for a second!

Mike’s Video

Monday, August 10, 2009


Contrary to what Evin told us in that meeting about going to the blog on your computer........She cannot track you. It is a lie. If you try to come here while you are at school you can be tracked. But not at home. Even if you use your school laptop AT HOME, to come to blog, the tech guys cannot see if you posted anything to the blog. They may be able to see where you have been online if you don't delete the cookies. But nobody can see if you posted anything. So don't be worried. It is just another scare tactic that she is using to keep people from telling the truth. It's too late ERVIN. Everyone knows that you have blood on your hands. Let's face it. YOU'RE FAMOUS!! But not in the way you wanted to be. LOL! But trust me. You are the one that is being watched and YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN YET!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Speaking of Unethical

This is a copy of a picture that Mrs. Ervin used to try to insult and degrade a teacher at Lindley. It was emailed to myself, the GAE President (Mike Poore), as well as other teachers around Lindley after the incident. To make a long story short. She asked him which kid did he think he was in relation to “FOLLOWING THE VISION”. He knew it was some BS and a set-up, so he just picked a kid somewhere in the middle of the picture and gave his reasoning on why he chose that kid. Ervin being Evin, she said, “So you don’t think you are the kid that can’t get up and keeps bumping his head on the ground”. That was CRAZY! I laughed so hard when he told me that story. Mostly because I just couldn’t see, well let me rephrase that. I knew she was GIANT PIECE OF SHIT but would have expected her to remain professional in her railroading process. He’s a good sport and fun-loving person so he didn’t get mad when I laughed, but the more I thought about it I got really pissed. I’m amazed that he held his composure and didn’t go off. He should have did like that event planner on the Real Housewives of Atlanta went off on Sheree. LOL! That would have really been funny! They would have had to escort me out of the building that day because I would have raised pure HELL! On the real it was really messed up for her to do something like that to a teacher. What do you think?

P.S. Sorry dude. We had to use it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Superintendent Fred Sanderson said Arnson is under investigation for "irregularities" in staff evaluations.
-Marietta Daily Journal

This seems and sounds very familiar to some activities that have taken place at Lindley Middle School since the arrival of Sandra Ervin. During the 2008-2009 school year, evaluations have been used as a means of forced allegiance and intimidation and were not based on teacher performance in many cases. They were based on “how well a teacher was liked by Mrs. Ervin”. If she didn’t like a teacher, she would systematically make a false paper trail against that teacher to document him/her out of a job. In my book, this is unethical behavior by a principal. What does your book say? IRREGULAR?

Monday, August 3, 2009

A More Accurate Depiction

CAN YOU BELIEVE that this woman had the audacity to show clips of Mother Teresa, Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Hitler to try to show a comparison in types of leaders. OMG! I really hope that she doesn’t believe that she is honest, righteous, compassionate, and has sense of compassion for her people like Mandela, Martin, and Mother Teresa. How could she even bring herself, excuse me, CLIPBOARD, to put that bullshit together. The only figure that had a place on that presentation was Hitler. But he should have been joined by Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, and Joseph Mobutu. Save the dramatics Ervin. We’re not going for it this year. YOU’RE NOT GONNA GET A SECOND CHANCE TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION! YOU’RE DONE!

New Career Possibly?

Just like last year Kanisha keeps walking around with a camera recording the history of a lame duck principal. Bitch sit yo ass down! I’m tired of looking at you!

Which Animal are You?

Did you see how Ervin tried to compare her leadership team to buffalo and geese. What the hell is that about? It doesn’t matter if one animal walks and the other one flies. The other members in the group follow the leader. She’s such an idiot. We all know that the FOLLOWSHIP TEAM is directed by you, Ervin. By the way, watch more discovery channel or animal planet on Comcast so you can get your facts right. That Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom stuff you watched back in the mid 70s is out of date.

Harris and Hedrix (Oops or Wow?)

This is a classic example of how Lindley is run. Wasted fuc*in money! You send teachers to conferences and classes and they can’t even redeliver the information to the staff. It was completely FUCKED UP! Did you see how Ervin got mad and stopped the whole thing because they couldn’t get their shit together. It was like a dance routine where half of the dancers are doing the running man and the other half are doing the Funky Chicken. Lol! THAT WAS HILIARIOUS! But that’s what happens when you choose leaders based on nepotism verses skills and qualification. Another sign of a POOR leader that needs to be put out to pasture…………...can someone grab a bag of oats for me?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Principal Standards

Just wanted to give the Beast in the East a lil' somthin-somethin to go by this year. It probably won't get through that $5 wig on her head, but at least I tried.

*If you can't read the text on the picture, just click on it to blow it up.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Following DI-VISION

Less than two days before it is time to return to the cotton fields of Mableton. Summer vacation is just too short. Oh well…..Off the top, I’d like to say that I’m proud to be a part of the staff that has brought darkness to the light. We took a major step this summer by outing Tina Soprano and revealing her true nature to the public. Good Job Staff! With that being said, I hope everyone is mentally preparing for the upcoming weeks and months on the plantation. If you’re new and don’t know…It’s gonna be more BS as usual because Mrs. Ervin is trying to get out of the shadow of Mr. McCrary. He was the first principal to make AYP in the history of the school and she wants to top it. She is looking to validate her existence by being the first to principal to make AYP outright (without the summer retakes) at Lindley. But that is another topic for another day. Back to the Nitty Gritty…… I am aware that many of you are afraid of the upcoming beatings, interrogations, Japanese water torture, and truth serum injections that are certain to take place to try to pin-point the true ID of Oliver North as well as the people that “TOLD THE TRUTH” on the blog. Don’t worry. If she’s stupid enough to call us into the office to ask about it, which she is, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DENY READING AND WRITING ON THE BLOG!! No matter how many fingers and toes her enforcers cut off, be strong and don’t give in. She’ll never know that you posted to the blog unless you tell her. I/we am/are the administrator/administrators of this blog and I/we can’t even see your identity. So don’t worry about it. Deny, Deny til the day that you die.
Be ready for the smokescreen and expect the guilty to try to run damage control for what has taken place this summer by 1) Having a party 2) Telling you how “Important” you are to the success of Lindley 3) Trying to discredit the 6-headed Oliver North (hint-you’ll never figure it out) 4) my favorite-FOLLOW THE VISION and 5) Posting to the blog only makes “us” look bad. Wrong! It makes her look bad because she and we know that the things that have been said about her are true. We will basically be at a Pep-Rally. DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! It is a front. Ervin is totally embarrassed by this blog because she told Massa that she could keep the rest of in line and we wouldn’t revolt. Wrong!! WAY TO GO LINDLEY!! A word to the UNWISE… she is going to play the good guy for a while til she thinks this whole blog thing has passed over and faded away. But I’m here to tell you Ervin, we’re going to keep you honest this year. You threaten one person this year, POOKIE and nem is gonna hear bout it b/c we gonna put yo bizness in da SKREET!! Now I’m aware that some of you are not going to take heed to what I have just told you. You’re going to drop your guard and next thing you know…….You’re going to be picking yourself up off the canvas and looking around for help from the rest of us. So just do your job to the best of your abilities, do your best to bring about success in your students, and don’t let yourself be consumed by another person’s delusions of grandeur. At this point I’d like to direct you to the first and second link.

If you don’t get it after reading that, I just you just won’t. Good Luck and I’ll/We’ll see you all next week.