As we all know, Mrs. Ervin (a.k.a. BIG SHIRLEY) was supposed to have her day in front of the Cobb County School Board on Tuesday (July 14th) to answer to the War Crimes that she has committed during the 2008-2009 school year. These charges are being brought forth by a veteran teacher who fed up with her B.S. and Tomfoolery just like the rest of us. Once again, at the last minute, she and her attorney have managed to postpone the meeting. This is the 5th time that the meeting has been rescheduled to another date. That is inexcusable, especially since this teacher has been trying to take her in front of the board since January 2009. It is seven months and counting. Wow! I can’t imagine an innocent person behaving in this manner. How much time does a person need to practice the phrases ‘I CAN’T REMEMER, I DON’T RECALL, & NOT TO MY RECOLLECTION’? I have a question for all APS, Cobb, Dekalb, Fulton, Gwinnett County staff as well as any other local or national educational personnel who are reading this: Is an innocent person afraid to face his or her accuser? In my experience the innocent are swift to face those allege false action or content. But that’s just me………..
"I CAN’T REMEMER, I DON’T RECALL, & NOT TO MY RECOLLECTION?" She sounds like Ronald Reagan on trial for the Contra Hearings!