If you haven’t already heard, MACE showed up at Lindley today and picketed Mrs. Ham Hock. Its really about time to see an organization that claims that it supports the teachers, stand up for the teachers. DO NOT EXPECT THE SAME TYPE OF REPRESENTATION IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GAE. They pretend to support the teachers. I’m telling you now……If your rep is T. Page, you’re screwed! She’s going to sell you out to the administrators and secretly take their side. Back to the protest…… I know every teacher in the building at Lindley savored every minute of the protest. I was like our prayers had been answered. Someone or something was actually stepping up to the plate for us. Every teacher in the building, let me rephrase that…….Every teacher except a few crones felt that today was a major victory in revealing to the world that this woman is insane and needs to removed from her post. Let’s examine the track record. First she’s a principal in Cobb County that did something fucked up (as usual) and had to resign before her ass got fired. Next she fucks up in two schools in Fulton County (Sandtown then Westlake) and is forced to resign to get fired. Lastly, she’s over here in Cobb County were she’s continuing the insanity at Lindley Middle School. When is someone in charge (wink-wink) going to realize that it was a mistake hiring this fool and remove Hitler from her post. Where the hell are the data-driven hiring processes? If fires seem to mysteriously flare up wherever this woman goes, I don’t think that it’s the teachers that are setting them. She’s the common factor and the source. The bottom line is that she is a terrible principal that has flim-flammed and conned her way to upper-middle management. Unfortunately for the teachers, we have to suffer because of her lack up expertise and inability to perform the duties of a principal without violating the Georgia Code of Ethics. She's horrible….. I’m not going to go into too much detail. The rest of the teachers already know all the details. So I’m going to stop here and allow them to chime in. But wait a minute.... How funny is it that she tried to call an "EMERGENCY FACULTY MEETING" to let us know that she was "still the principal" when her coward ass wasn't even in the building. LOL! WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK! We all (excluding the 3-5 cronies that you have) want your ass out of the building. You should have stayed to face the protesters but we all know you thought that Fox 5 was on the way and you just couldn't handle the "TOUGH QUESTIONS" that they had for you. LOL! COWARD!!
Thank you MACE for doing what so many of us are scared to do. I LOVE how she told people not to talk to the protesters! I thought all Americans had freedom of speech. And it is oh so convinent how she had an appointment yesterday. Get out of her Ervin!!! If you are scared, then JUST say so... And did you see how many people did not clap at the conclusion of the emergency Faculty meeting?
ReplyDeleteAnd as for that statement she always makes, "People will always fight against what is right." NO THEY WILL NOT!!! If it were about the kids everyone would be all for her "vision". It stopped it being about the kids when she arrived at the doors of LMS.
How much more abuse (verbal and emotional) can we endure?
And for the record, EVERYONE knows that "folks" are loosing their jobs! We are all grateful to have a job; we just wish Ervin would leave!
She has always and will always be a bitch from hell. I am a parent from Westlake and is glad she is gone. Good luck to Cobb County. I wish Fulton County had gotten rid of her earlier!
ReplyDeleteI guess we can thank Glenn Brock with Brock Clay Law Firm that Fulton (where Brock is also the attorney) shipped Ervin (aka Miss McBeautiful) ended up in Cobb. What a joke! Sandra Irwin met (or refused to meet) MACE, eh? Good.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, unlike you have been told by Ervin, there is an end to your work day...
ReplyDeleteThere might be an end to our work day but the teachers are SCARED! Yes I said it SCARED! We see how the ones that are on her bad side are treated and the reputations are ruined, we are scared to stand up and fight against the terrible working conditions here. We need help and help fast! I would reveal myself but I am scared, I see it firsthand how she bullies people and make them feel less of a person. All I am trying to do is keep my job, stay out of the mess, and survive until the end of the school year and hopefully Cobb will get rid of her. If there is anybody out there that is not scared to put her stuff on blast and go public please, please, get enough teachers to stand up and I will join with all that I know. And trust me it is enough to ruffle some tail feathers. Cobb does not like mess and their name being splattered through the mud as condoning this type of stuff. Teachers are getting sick because of the enormous stress of our working conditions caused be her, not the kids. It is not Lindley, it is Ervin. Don't we have a GAE rep at the school? If they are not going to do anything can someone tell me how to join MACE? They seem to be the only ones who will stand up for us. Especially with the "Annual Evaluations" that are coming up. I am scared that teachers will be axed due to the lies and the fact that Ervin does not "trust" you and will write you off. We were told that if we get involved in "mess" that goes on our annual, is that legal? Is there a "dirty dozen" that represents standing up for ourselves? We need help and help fast, some teachers are going to lose their jobs based on Ervin not liking you, not your lack of performance. We all have lives to live and bills to pay, I know it is not about the money, but 99.99% of us don't deserve to get axed at Lindley. These teachers work hard, very hard, and just because you don't kiss her behind and tell on everybody else, you are risking your job being taken away. The majority of us want to stay at Lindley for the kids, we like our kids, they have so much potential that we don’t want to abandon them and leave people to take over that are not “for” the kids. She will get rid of teachers to assure that her favorite ones have a job for next year, and we all know who they are (C, K, G-last name initials). I am sure they are the ONLY ones who will get “Proficient” on the annuals. I look at so many teachers faces everyday and see how they were once happy and are so tired they are not sure if they are coming or going. I see “GREAT” teachers leaving, and why, because Ervin forced them out. It is so hard to listen to her spill her heart about the kids and then turn everything around to be about her. I must wonder is it about the kids becoming successful or her name becoming successful. If we make AYP again, she will take all the credit and put on this big performance to showcase herself. Is that right? It is all about her and it takes so much of me to remain quiet and listen. A past post stated that the “white” teachers are safe; NO ONE is safe under her unless you are the chosen ones mentioned above. How can she give glowing reviews about some teachers’ instruction and then just dog them out hours later? The bottom line is we need help….and quick! This is one last thought that I will like to leave Ervin and everyone else who reads this blog with…After the protesters, only 1 teacher reached out to her, what is that saying? It is true that if you are doing the right thing that you are not going to be liked by everyone, but if you are doing wrong things you will also not be liked by everyone…which one is it? Thanks Oliver North for allowing me to vent my frustrations.
ReplyDeleteSigned a Dedicated but Scared Teacher!
Why are all of the adminstrators at Lindley saying ONLY 2% of the staff at Lindley is receiving "Proficient"? Why are people coming from all across the district and the state to watch "Emerging" teachers teach? It seems that Ervin in not as good of a principal that she thinks that she is if only 2% of her teachers are Proficient. Everyone knows that Ervin told all of the administrators what to give each teacher on their evaluation...... I totally agree with everything that DEDICATED BUT SCARED said in his/her post.
ReplyDeleteShe does not even realize what she is doing. Emerging? The entire staff except 2 people??? Man whatever! Everyone in the building knows what is really going on. It is now just a matter of time until she gets hers. I have an idea! All the teachers that are "Emerging" should get together and compare evaluations. I bet they are all the same or similar. All the staff development and conferences she attends and makes us do, and we only have 2% (T-W-O) Proficient???
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the "Media". Wasn't Channel 2, Channel 5, Cobb ed TV and Oprah supposed to be at Lindley today to witness that WONDERFUL CRCT dance lol. Ervin is such a liar!
ReplyDeleteNow that it is Spring Break Im sure that Ervin will have laudry list of tasks for the teachers to do. Like she always says, "My own mama cant work for me". Ervin is one of the worst principals that I have ever experienced. She is rude to faculty, staff, students and parents. What happened to the Marietta Journal coming to watch the students and staff do the "Lindley Shuffle". Why did I have to get up so early to learn it??
ReplyDeleteWhy is Ervin allowed to tell evaluators what to put on teachers' forms!? She has not visited my classroom ONE TIME. So how can she honestly evaluate me??? I'm sure the news will be there in a heartbeat when she gets sued for her unethical antics.
ReplyDeleteAnd she stated how unprofessional it was of staff members to discuss their evaluations with each other! ERVIN trying to tell someone how to be professional is too funny! I cannot wait to see who is coming back next year.
ReplyDeleteI MUST put this out there for ALL "emerging" teachers in the building: "do not talk around Katrina Cordell" she is a snake and runs strait to Ervin to tattle tell. I watched her do it this week. Someone please, please, please, tell her to stop fronting and running around telling everyone that she is "doing Mrs. Ervin's papers and stuff for her". Talk about ethics...Sandra does your professor know that you are not writing your dissertation? Ethics hahahahah! Katrina when are you in your class to teach (4 classes a day huh-seems like 2, I wonder who is covering your classes while you go do her work, maybe that is why NONE of your students scored above Effords' kids, don't you teach gifted? Things that make you go HUMMM especially from a "Proficient" teacher)
ReplyDeleteEverything that you all said is true so true and the more I am around this mess the more I see it. I got a good feeling that after the CRCT things will come to a head. It is time that we fight back. I don't want to do it before the CRCT because the kids need to be focused to do their best; it is about the kids, but Ervin we have to get rid of. I just hope when I make a stand I don't stand alone. Dedicated and Scared teacher get ready with your stuff, it is about to blow up!
Lindley Hustle, ok that was a joke. Sorry Coach Hendrix I know you were just following her hopes and dreams of getting on Oprah and you did a great job, but remember everything you do is all about Ervin (CFU-stop answering your phone when she calls with this crazy mess). She will not give you your credit in public. Someone seriously answer this, did she really think that anyone was gonna come out a film that mess? There is nothing that she can do to look good to the public right now. All the mess that she has done, does she think that a line dance will fix it all? If she really does then guys she is crazier than I thought. MACE where are you? We need the protestors back and quick!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou wonder why she can tell her administrators what to put on the annuals? Well because she is a big ol' bully and they are scared to stand up to her. 98% of the teachers were emerging in assessment, wow. But someone please correct her, we are a DATA driven school right? Assessment and data goes hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteHow about our evaluations being "data driven" but they only looked at the first benchmark? WTH? I guess I should have stopped teaching in October if that was the case. Seriously, maybe since we are all emerging we should just start living up to their expectations...or living down rather...
ReplyDeleteSince only 2-3% of the teachers are proficient, tell me what that says about the administration?
ReplyDeleteI just want to know how those 2-3% can seriously look at themselves in the mirror everyday. I'd rather have an emerging at this point because we all know those who got proficient are complete BS! And notice all the phony praise Ervin makes to employees as she has probably guessed that many aren't coming back. If you are apart of the 98% emerging and you do return, then NO ONE can ever question who you do this job for because it sure as hell isn't her! And I hope the kids will realize how damn lucky they are to have teachers who truly care.
ReplyDeleteThis all too much to stomach for now! Just know that all of us "Emerging" teachers need to work at the "Emerging" level, and then we will truly see what emerging looks like! When enough people stand and speak up at once, then she and her leadership will fall. Its time we all do something. I know several people have written documnentation of her abuse. And I have heard some even have it recorded. Its time for her to G-O. And when she does I pray she takes Clipboard, Cordell, and Cardoza (the non-dancing, dance teacher with her)!
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't seem to understand is how can the "best teachers" that she has (Kanisha and Katrina) teach the least amount of classes. If Kanisha is the "BEST" math teacher, why would you not want as many kids in the building to be taught by her to prepare them for the CRCT? Since Katrina is the "BEST" the most brilliant teacher ever, why does she dump her kids off with McKenzie and Harris and doing "whatever", and only teaching 4 classes when everyone else teachers 5? I know many teachers in the building that have to prep for more than 1 content and they don't get a break. But Katrina get an extra planning because she is Gifted and AVID content lead? WOW!!! She only has a few kids in the class anyway while many others have 30-32 kids...is that fiar? It is time for some of this stuff to be put out there. Let's keep it clean so someone will listen to us and stick to the truth. That is how we are gonna be heard.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is, "you would be suprised who is on the teachers side and Ervin's side". Be carefull who you try to get rid of.
ReplyDeleteGuys, please be sure to post all of the unethical and illegal things on here that Ervin has done or said this year. For example, last year a teacher sued Ervin for several things, one of which included making the Be Grateful Dinner mandatory. Ervin lied and said that she did not say it. Everyone knows she said that it was mandatory this year. We really didn't have to stay for the CRCT cram nights, but because we all want whats best for the kids, we had no problem staying. However, she had no power to make us stay. If Ervin would learn to treat people the way Mrs. Dye and Mrs. Wilson does, she could really make some progress. Ervin is SO RUDE and nasty. I am going to exose all of the unethical stuff that she has done so that everyone can see it.
ReplyDeleteJob Description: give students belts, sell candy@ school store, plan the awards ceremony, collect money for t-shirts, and etc...
ReplyDelete(Graduation Coach) hmmm
Let's see....She makes all 7th grade teachers teach reading as well as their content, and some 7th grade classes have up to 32-33 students. While Cordell has 3 planning periods, 8th grade numbers are much lower, and who knows what Cambridge does all day besides doing walk throughs on the Friday before Spring Break. Seriously??? Was that really necessary?
ReplyDelete7th grade teachers did not even have Reading lesson plans for last week. But did anyone run tell Ervin that the Literacy Coach was slacking? NO!
Cordell and Cambridge cannot do what all of us do. That was made clear when Cambridge taught for 10 days and could not handle it. Cordell stood before leadership and spoke about how the best teachers should teach the lowest students. SO... I say lets get to it then!!!
For us teachers that really do LOVE our students, we go that extra mile. And will continue to do so for OUR students. But I am done, D.O.N.E. making Ervin look good.
I wonder who all is going to interview for leadership next year besides Cordell and Garcia???
Well, isn't that something... It is so bad to see Cordell doing all of this when she is qualified to do so much more for a more effective leader. She is selling herself short because of her low self esteem and the way Ervin boosts her self-esteem by making her a flunky. Ervin is unethical and always will be. She calls teachers out of class in order to get the scoop and it is wrong. She does do one thing though. She beats teachers so hard that when they go to another school, they are far better than "emerging," even though they teach the same way.
ReplyDeleteDon't keep sitting back talking about it--be about it and FILE GRIEVANCES. We need to start standing up to her and publicizing the things she are doing. She can't terminate everybody. As a matter of fact, she has no authority to fire anyone.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is with GAE should dump their membership and join MACE. If we go to GAE with our grievances, they will do nothing because they are smitten with Ervin. Let's start giving our money to an organization that will actually do something for us! It's time to stop talking the talk and let's walk the walk!
ReplyDeleteI pray that she requires interviews for leadership because it will only be about 3 people on leadership. I definately WILL NOT interview, that will be a load off my back anyway. I am so tired of sitting in thoes meetings at 7:30am every Thursday and get beat down with the unloyalty, mistrust, unprofessionalism, the "be greatful" you have a job. Can May 21st get here fast enough. I'm so glad they gave us a much needed break on the Monday sessions, I got so tired of the best not being able to answer questions in staff development and talking to us like we are nobody. They should research the techniques they teach before they teach it to others.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to go back to school Monday to see what Ervin will have us doing. I'm sure she has had "visions" and has called all of her coaches to come up with new things for us to do when we return next week. Can someone please tell me why Ervin was forced out of Westlake High School?
ReplyDeleteWell... There was a cell phone tower on Westlake's campus and the school was paid by the cell company for it, but the money was mismanaged and there were some unethical lapses in the management of the other money in the school. Also, parents had begun to complain (because the parents at Westlake was considered middle to upper middle class and had had enough.)
ReplyDeleteCambridge started drinking Ervin's kool-aid at Sandtown M.S. Cambridge doesn't teach math anymore because she only had a provisional certificate at the time which she let expire after teaching four years because she couldn't pass the GACE middle school math certification test. That's why she has the job she begged Ervin for now because she was going to be out on her butt without a job. She doesn't need to be certified to be a "coach". Ervin has a habit of hiring unqualified uncertified people for positions to service her. Cordell is another Sandtown throw back; can you say trailer trash? Cordoza is a Sandtown first, then Westlake throw back; she is the daughter of Ervin's best friend. If Ervin does leave LMS either by force or voluntarily; I'd love to see you pack of wolves devour Cambridge. I always new Cambridge's husband would eventually leave; he was too much man for her. Did she really try to off herself and get arrested for stalking?? Too funny!
ReplyDeleteOk now, I must say that I thought the above post was full of "personal thoughts", so I went to the GA PSC site and attempted to look up Kanisha's certification....WOW!!! "NO RECORD FOUND" that is what it said. So trying to give her the benefit of the doubt I tried her name 4 different ways: Kanisha Sherman, Kanisha Cambridge, Kanisha Sherman-Cambridge, and Kanisha Cambridge-Sherman...NOTHING, NATTA, ZIP, ZILCH! As much weight as this chick throws around and as much hell that she has given us, all the "we need to add" this bs to the lesson plans, and she is NOT certified!?! WHY!?! The drama at LMS just gets juicer and juicer by the day. And Ervin says she is not gonna be able to hold her back from top positions with teach for america, they must not require certification either.
ReplyDeleteJust type in Kanisha. She RECENTLY obtained a Clear-Renewable certificate. Why was she able to walk around the school with a clipboard trying to tell teachers how to teach, when she wasn't certified? Again, the LMS staff needs to start writing grivances and publicizing the stuff that Ervin is doing. Otherwise, what's the point of complaining about it?????? Trust me, Ervin can be ousted if majority of the staff would get together and call the media!!!It happened in Fulton, it can happen it Cobb. She will continue to treat the staff horribly because she feels that you all are afriad and scared of her. Wake up people!!!! A person can ONLY do what you allow them to do. Gather a secret meeting and get rid of her.
ReplyDeleteIt all sounds good but you don't know who to trust in the building. She has so many undercovers that they are gonna run and tell it before it gets started. So how do we fix that?
ReplyDeleteIt is critically important that you keep detailed notes on the abuse she commits. Then follow through with grievances, lawsuits, etc. in mass. More than 70% of the Westlake faculty complained to people that counted at the central office. Fulton Co ultimately decided to hire one principal instead of a whole new staff. Defending the beast was costing Fulton too much MONEY. While the beast doesn't like people that stand up for their rights, she can't get you if you are doing your job and know your rights. Tell her you want a union rep present the next time she summons you to the office for a tongue lashing. As for the A$$ kissers, they will get theirs when Cobb officials finally open their eyes. She will abandon them. You don't have any of her Westlake posse there because she left them behind. Only one member of her posse remains at WHS and she has been neutralized.