Two minutes left in the 4th quarter and “fat lady” is still singing “you’d better be glad that you have a job”. Whateva!! What is the last day that you can opt opt of your contract? I’m sure some of you know because you’re looking for another job so you won’t have to come back to another year of dealing with 800 lb gorilla in the room. Anyway……… take time to reflect on the year and set your direction for the upcoming year. The way its looking right now, Lindley will not make AYP outright again. Once again the school is counting on the summer retake to get by. I thought it was one….two…..three strikes you’re out? Ervin you haven’t inproved on what Mr. McCrary (your superior) did. The data, you know you’re soooo big on data, shows that you and your style of leadership (Kronieism & kiss-asses) is not effective. You have failed three straight times to improve. I will give you credit for being the biggest Candy Pimp in public education history along with being the most clueless administrator since the invention of the loin cloth. I know you’ve managed to photo-op your way through along with conning others into believing that you know what you’re doing, but the writing (a-hem! DATA!) is on the wall. You have failed again. Lindley teachers. Its not your fault. You all know that the way she “makes” you teach is ridiculous. When you can’t teach your class as you need to the fault doesn’t fall on you. Of course, she’ll try to make it seem that way. But it’s not. That musk ox will take all credit and no fault always so expect nothing else. As for you hoping for Raspusha to leave, she can’t. She has to kiss all the ass she can downtown to stay in the position that she has. Remember….she was tossed out on her ass from Fulton County. She’s bad news and damaged goods. No other county will hire her. This is her last boogie and she knows it. She’s not leaving until she can retire. That’s why she’s trying to get (cheat her way to –allegedly. The last time I checked, cheating wasn’t allowed. But those with not honor…..) a Ph.D………… trying to retire at a higher pay scale. With all the stuff she’s doing and not getting in trouble some seen to think that she’s a pawn that’s being played by her superiors. Someone that’s weak who is pretending to be strong only to please someone else. Think about it. When you’re on your last boogie you can’t afford to upset anyone. The final verdict……EPIC FAIL SKANK!! YOU, AND NOT THE SCHOOL OR TEACHERS, NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!!!