Kanisha. I know you didn’t cry in the leadership meeting about the possibility of losing your job. You have been the main instrument used by Mrs. Ervin to facilitate others losing their jobs, under false and staged situations I might add, for the last two years at Lindley Middle School. How can you be surprised that your job/head is now on the chopping block? When you are in league with the devil, bad things are going to happen to you. Don’t cry. Remember… you’re an enforcer and superior to the people that work around you. You can’t afford to show any weakness, especially since you made it seem that you knew everything and the rest of us knew nothing. Are/were you serious?!? I didn’t really come at you on this blog like I could have because I always knew you were a bitter and pitiful little thing that is barely making it through this thing called life. But the people have spoken. They started putting you sh*t in the street on the previous post. How does it feel to walk around a place where you felt like you reigned supreme and had unlimited coaching superpowers, but now you’re a confirmed SORRY-ASS TEACHER! Someone brought up the time when Mr. Collins had to be out for 2 weeks and you took over his math class. Word on the street, or better yet, in the halls was that you couldn’t handle the situation. As I remember, you said that the more engaging the lesson, the less you will have to deal with behavior problems. Along with that, being prepared and making smooth transitions between the bs on the lesson plan would ensure that the kids were learning. What happened? Didn’t you design an extraordinary activator for each day? What about your CFUs? The kids didn’t like the cups? What about your closings? Did you really have to have Mrs. Ervin come in and sit, watch, and threaten the class so that you could teach? What happen to KAYE BURKE’S classroom management strategies? Any why the hell were you teaching integers for 2 weeks straight? Was it that your graphic organizers were not colorful enough? Did you refer back to the standard every few minutes? Why didn’t you call Bernadette L. to come in and give you some assistance? Was the word wall up to date? What happened girlfriend? Because the word on the street is that your lessons and teaching style would not have qualified as EMERGING. You would have gotten a bad evaluation based on your performance. It’s like they say with sports…..THOSE THAT CAN’T PLAY, COACH.