If you haven’t already heard, MACE showed up at Lindley today and picketed Mrs. Ham Hock. Its really about time to see an organization that claims that it supports the teachers, stand up for the teachers. DO NOT EXPECT THE SAME TYPE OF REPRESENTATION IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GAE. They pretend to support the teachers. I’m telling you now……If your rep is T. Page, you’re screwed! She’s going to sell you out to the administrators and secretly take their side. Back to the protest…… I know every teacher in the building at Lindley savored every minute of the protest. I was like our prayers had been answered. Someone or something was actually stepping up to the plate for us. Every teacher in the building, let me rephrase that…….Every teacher except a few crones felt that today was a major victory in revealing to the world that this woman is insane and needs to removed from her post. Let’s examine the track record. First she’s a principal in Cobb County that did something fucked up (as usual) and had to resign before her ass got fired. Next she fucks up in two schools in Fulton County (Sandtown then Westlake) and is forced to resign to get fired. Lastly, she’s over here in Cobb County were she’s continuing the insanity at Lindley Middle School. When is someone in charge (wink-wink) going to realize that it was a mistake hiring this fool and remove Hitler from her post. Where the hell are the data-driven hiring processes? If fires seem to mysteriously flare up wherever this woman goes, I don’t think that it’s the teachers that are setting them. She’s the common factor and the source. The bottom line is that she is a terrible principal that has flim-flammed and conned her way to upper-middle management. Unfortunately for the teachers, we have to suffer because of her lack up expertise and inability to perform the duties of a principal without violating the Georgia Code of Ethics. She's horrible….. I’m not going to go into too much detail. The rest of the teachers already know all the details. So I’m going to stop here and allow them to chime in. But wait a minute.... How funny is it that she tried to call an "EMERGENCY FACULTY MEETING" to let us know that she was "still the principal" when her coward ass wasn't even in the building. LOL! WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK! We all (excluding the 3-5 cronies that you have) want your ass out of the building. You should have stayed to face the protesters but we all know you thought that Fox 5 was on the way and you just couldn't handle the "TOUGH QUESTIONS" that they had for you. LOL! COWARD!!