I’d like to send this post out to the “TEACHERS” of Lindley Middle School, not the “BUILDING SUPERVISOR”. You braved the storm, cried, took it on the chin, blead daily, and rose above all the threats and administrative bullying. The goal was accomplished. Was it really worth going through all the mess that you have to deal with to make a test score? IDK. But keep doing what you do for the kids. So take a minute to let your hair down and soak up the success of your efforts and students. Congrats!! And Ervin…….before beat on your chest and walk across the room on your knuckles, I’d like to remind you of one thing. You still ain’t shit. It’s been three years and you still haven’t managed to make AYP outright(without the summer retakes). You’re in the same place you started….but I’ll rip you to shreads later. WAY TO GO TEACHERS!!