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Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Next??

Ok. At this point I’m sure that all of Cobb knows about Mrs. Ervin and her shenanigans. She’s out there and there’s nothing she can really do about it because the topics and comments that have been expressed by the readers have been based on the truth. Besides that this is something that is being done in cyberspace, not at Lindley, so she really hates that. Best way to break down a control freak…….put her in a position where she has NO control. LOL! And that’s what we’ve essentially done here. Imagine. She really thought that she was going to do major dirt, commit crimes at a public school, in the information age, and get away with it. YEA RIGHT!! And I did say COMMIT CRIMES. Yes. She has done it and it can be proven in a court of law or hearing by a neutral party. All the teachers know. If we were all called to the stand to ‘tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’, Mrs. Ervin would trying to cop a plea deal or something. LOL! I’m still waiting on her attorney to start contacting people for that libel and slander case against her… It’s not going to happen. There’s a common saying in legal circles when it come to suing people…. “You can’t come to court with dirty hands”. And Ervin’s hands are encased in dried mud. So you know a trial isn’t gonna happen. She’s scared out of her mind because she’s been exposed and I also have a feeling that the protective cover which she was under has been worn and torn. The old king protected her, but the new guy isn’t going to stick his neck out there for her. She’s too big of a problem at this point and I’m sure that the new superintendent, if he’s worth his weight in water, isn’t going to want this wig-wearing pain in the ass to cause the fog lights to be shined on him. He’s gonna deal with it. The solution to the problem lies with the teachers in my opinion. The teachers are going to have to approach the superintendent with their concerns. Going to her isn’t going to do anything but cause her to start throwing barrels or bananas at staff members. She’s never going to admit to doing anything wrong. Which makes me wonder…. Does Ervin actually believe that she’s doing a good job? If she does, she’s delusional. Seriously, I believe that she enjoys bringing misery to others. People that are unhappy do all sorts of devilish things. It’s crazy, but it happens. Misery loves company and she has had guests non-stop since she started at Lindley.
Something that I think is really insane is that people are out here committing crimes in the name of Mrs.
Ervin. That’s disturbing to say the least. She only has a spoonful of supporters so it’s easy to pinpoint who they are. Just image the headline….TEACHER CONVICTED FOR DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH CROOKED PRINCIPAL. CRAZY!!! In today’s society, I wouldn’t be surprised though. As we’ve seen in the past, teachers are in the news more frequently for doing things that should have caused their ethics and morality to throw up RED flags at the time of mental conception. But hey, if they don’t mind putting their freedom on the line for a person that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them…..fuck ‘em!! They’re going to get what’s coming to them too.
So people it’s time to come together and come up with some solutions to the problem and I'm opening up the floor for people that haven't implicated themselves in crimes. LOL!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

IS THAT A SMOKE SCREEN? (If you haven't read the MDG article yet, use the link below.)

I know Mrs. Ervin didn’t think having a false story printed in the Marietta Daily Journal was actually going to fly. I guess they’re trying to give her image a gorilla lift. It’s all a “SMOKE SCREEN”. Someone set this up. Out of all the APs in CCSD, why would anyone want to interview her? Come on?!? Really?? In the words of Pookie the drunk uncle “YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!!” There’s no way that B.S. was going to slide. So you all know that I had to “represent” and speak my peace for the Lindley teachers. Yea. I posted a comment on the page. I doubt it will pass the screening process because there is too much truth in it and also because I called the columnist/reporter out for trying to slide that sh*t by. We’re not going for it. Well anyway……this is the comment that I posted a few minutes ago. Lets see if it makes it onto the page.

Mr. Kinney,
Have you taken the time necessary to fully report on this story or are you doing a favor for one of your buddies in CCSD and trying to run an anti-smear campaign to clean up Ervin's image? Let me tell you something. There isn’t enough soap at the Dove factory to pull that off. The truth is…… this is a person that lied to you as you were questioning her. Let me repeat that. "SHE LIED" to you! I’m not surprised by this because her ethics and morals are in the dungeon. She’s a classic sociopath (a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience). She has done very few positive things for the school if any. The school hasn’t made any progress since she got there. Actually, I’d have to say the momentum that the school was gaining under the former principal was slowed by the arrival of Mrs. Ervin. She’s a terrible “building supervisor”. Yes, “building supervisor”. She’s incapable of leading so I didn’t use the word Leader. She doesn’t have any administrative skills so I didn’t use the work “administrator”. She’s the equivalent of a glorified shift manager at KFC. So don’t try to pull a stunt like this again. Get your facts right before you proclaim to the world that you’ve found THE GREAT GORILLA HOPE. I’m sure that my comments won’t make it through the “filtering process” that you all have in place to keep all negative comments on this story censored.
Do you think teachers of Lindley are stupid? We know you’ll whatever it takes to keep this woman looking clean at this point because you wrote the story as a favor to someone. On the other hand, you may have been duped into writing the story. If so, you’re looking very incompetent for reporting such a false, preposterous, and under investigated story. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were set up you’re just a Pawn/New York Times Wanna-Be Columnist in this whole thing. But if you really want the “real story” along with the “real truth” like a “real reporter” about what Mrs. Ervin “really” does at Lindley, go to (if you haven’t already). Yea. I just called you out.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to make it to the website…..