There is a need for a correction. The intel that was just received the other day via carrier pigion, Mrs. Ervin was not on Admistrative Leave for putting those kids on blast. SHE WAS PUT ON ADMINSTRIVE LEAVE FOR THROWING THAT BIRTHDAY PARTY!! LMBAO!! I LOVE IT! Keep putting it out there Lindley. The eyes and ears of the educational community are watching and listening. That "BRIBE", excuse me, "FOOD" that she threw out there the other day is just damage control because Sanderson and the school board slapped her accross that walrus blubber on her back. She's definitely getting reprimanded for her actions because people are taking notice. Hey Ervin. WE CAN'T BE BOUGHT!
As a side note. I forgot to metion that Mrs. Ervin and another Cobb County employee were caught committing Perjury during the that internal trial that took place before the school board. Of course they didn't know it at the time, but she or her cronies are reading this, she knows now. Oh yes. Someone else is comming for that ass Ervin! If the the board is smart, they had better rid themselves of this liability because she's building a hefty bill (attorneys and upcomming lawsuits) that the county is gonna have to pay.